Murad Saeed Criticizes PPP for Mishandling Health, Education Sectors in Sindh - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Murad Saeed Criticizes PPP for Mishandling Health, Education Sectors in Sindh



Murad Saeed Criticizes PPP for Mishandling Health, Education Sectors in Sindh

Minister for Postal Services Murad Saeed on Thursday criticized the Pakistan People Party (PPP) leaders for mishandling health & education sectors.
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Minister for Postal Services Murad Saeed on Thursday criticized the Pakistan People Party (PPP) leaders for mishandling health & education sectors. 

Expressing these views in private news channels programs, he said  the Sindh government after 18th Amendment, was responsible to bring improvement in health & education sectors but the PPP failed to manage affairs of hospitals & schools functioning in the provincial areas. 

He alleged that Karachi was presenting a garbage house due to lethargic attitude & ill-planning of PPP. He added a number of ghost schools & employees drawing salaries  from public funds, have been detected in Sindh areas. 

Lamenting over negative attitude of PPP leaders, he said the Sindh government failed to furnish report over five billion rupee spending in health sector. 

Murad said the entire nation was fighting against coronavirus pandemic while PPP leaders are busy grabbing public funds provided by center for distribution among poor families of Sindh.

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