Lunar Graze: Kashmir Lunar Graze: Kashmir
Showing posts with label Kashmir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kashmir. Show all posts

Education has no borders, no boundaries

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August 25, 2021

Education has no borders, no boundaries

Education is a sustainable tool for human rights. It promotes peace and security. But education in conflict zones is very tough. Students are living in miserable conditions. The conflict has affected education all over the world, be it Palestine, Yemen, Syria, or Kashmir. Education has suffered greatly in these conflict regions. I am from Kashmir. We are brave people. No matter how much we are presented as victims, I refuse to endorse that. Yes, politics and violence affect us in so many ways that it leaves us bruised, maimed and always vulnerable. But we survive. We resist and live a respectable life. 

I am sure and I hope so that all of you, present here, know what is happening in Kashmir. The human cost of this conflict is too high. Every morning is a ‘morning of mourning’ there. In 2010, they started using pellet guns and since then we have become a nation of blinded people, perhaps as that great son of our land, Dr. Manan Wani Shaheed called it, ‘world’s first mass blinding’ orchestrated by the so-called world’s largest democracy. 

Recently they blinded HibaJaan. She was 18 months old baby girl. To say Kashmiris have suffered is an understatement but we survive and we resist. 

Of course, the human cost is high but those who live and survive are continuously deprived of their social and political rights. As a student, I’m obligated to write about my fellow breather and the state of affairs of education. Pertinently, education has suffered the most in occupied Kashmir. The educational institutes are closed for months, and years, the internet – the lifeline of a modern proper education system – remains off and banned for months. Students who decide to move out of their comfort zones and study at different universities in India put themselves at high risk. Even a simple cricket match can lead them prone to physical violence and legal prosecution. It has happened in the past and there is no way to disagree that it won’t happen in the future. 

Often my friends who study in these universities tell me how hard it is for them to insulate themselves from the threats especially as the Hindutva parties rise in power. Calling someone anti-national in India and sending him to this land of pure is becoming part of the political discourse. And if Kashmiris are at getting receiving end, it becomes too convenient. Now when Kashmiri students decide to study in other parts of the world, outside India, they face hardships in getting passports and other related travel documents. 

From local police stations to higher officials, all departments of the state hold back and delay the process of getting passport. By doing this, they are playing with careers of thousands of hard-working intelligent students who desire to change the world, their society and play a role in emancipating humanity. The authorities make every possible attempt to deny required travel documents to Kashmiri students. On a personal level, I had applied for passport in 2017 and after a year, I was given passport when I told them that I am going for the holy pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia with my family. I misinformed them to survive.

A good option for many students in Kashmir is to study in Pakistan. The government of Pakistan has a special scholarship in renowned medical and engineering colleges all over Pakistan for Kashmiri students. Thousands of Kashmiri students have completed their education in Pakistan. But after 5th august 2019, India is harassing Kashmiri students studying in Pakistan. Families of Medical, engineering and even scholars are summoned by Indian authorities in Kashmir. Students are now denied travel documents even careers of some students are ruined. 

Pakistan is providing education to orphaned, poor Kashmiri students who are passionate to study and work for the betterment of Kashmir. But India on the other hand is dividing education without remembering that education has no borders and no boundaries. It is pertinent to mention that in Kashmir, schools, colleges and universities are closed after 5th august 2019. 

SAARC, UNESCO, UNICEF and other NGO’s related to education should pressurize Indian government to allow Kashmiri students to continue their studies wherever they want including Pakistan. I always remind myself that this God-blessed country has always invoked moral authority when it came to the issues related to Kashmir and it is my belief that this great country will not let anyone down, especially the oppressed and the survivors. I hope the issues of students are dealt with finesse and looked after in the most efficient of ways for it directly affects the students. After all, hope sustains us.

(-The writer is doing M.S in Media Studies from Riphah International University. He can be reached at

Srinagar Maintains Above Freezing Point, Gulmarg Records -10.4 Degree C

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February 07, 2021

Srinagar 06 February (KNB): Temperature in the Srinagar city keeps above freezing point at 0.6 degree Celsius on Friday night after 1.0 degree C recorded on Thursday night, helping to abate some cold in the summer capital of J&K, whereas the Gulmarg continues to freeze at -10.4 degree C.

According to the MeT’s already prediction of dry weather in Jammu and Kashmir for coming days with minimum temperature to fall by 2 to 3 degrees from yesterday, the morning on Saturday looked sunnier with a clear sky above than the ones in the previous days across Kashmir.

Changing the Demography of Indian Occupied Kashmir

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January 22, 2021

Changing the Demography of Indian Occupied Kashmir
On 5th August the Indian government revoked Articles 370 and 35A of its Constitution without any recourse to the Kashmiri people making material breach of the Instrument of Accession, the negotiations conducted in the Delhi Agreement of 1952, the Jammu and Kashmir Constituent Assembly, the UNSC Resolutions as well as its own constitution and judicial precedents. 

Subsequently, the Indian parliament passed the Jammu & Kashmir Reorganization Bill of 2019 which abolished the State of Jammu & Kashmir, further dividing the region into two ‘union territories’ of Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir. Since Article 35A emanates from Article 370 it also got revoked pursuant to the Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Bill.

Even before the partition Jammu & Kashmir enjoyed a semi-autonomy. This autonomy was recognized in the Indian Constitution through Article 370 and 35A. Providing safeguards from demographic change. Indian Parliament could only legislate in limited areas as defined in the instrument accession. Any change could only be brought with the concurrent consent of the Jammu & Kashmir constituent assembly. In 1958, the constituent assembly stood dissolved. Article 370 was interpreted as a temporary arrangement but the Jammu & Kashmir High Court declared it to be a permanent rule. This had to stay until resolution of this dispute.

Jammu & Kashmir is an occupied territory. People there are subjected to crimes against humanity and their voices suppressed and movement curtailed through prolonged curfews. A near million security forces are deployed for this purpose. Jammu and Kashmir is an international conflict area. The perpetrators of war crimes will one-day face justice. 

Anyway the purpose of these changes is to tilt the demographic balance against the Kashmiris. Therefore under section 96 of the Jammu and Kashmir reorganisation Act of 2019 a new domicile rule has been promulgated and would take the place of abrogated Article 35A. Under the new rules a domicile certificate is to be issued to anyone for Jammu and Kashmir. This is in violation of Hereditary State Subject Definition of 1927, UN resolutions and Delhi Agreement of 1952. 

The purpose of demographic change is to bring in aliens and overwhelm the Kashmiri population. India cannot do thisin the disputed territory under occupation. India also has a criminal intention against Azad Jammu & Kashmir and maybe the Northern Areas of Pakistan who have already acceded. The intention seems to be to demand a plebiscite for the whole region after the influx of Non-Kashmiri aliens in the occupied territory and to later create a fuss after this happens. Pakistan has to be vigilant and should pursue for legal remedies to check Indian designs under the International law which prohibits demographic changes. 

The Author is a Honorary Chairman of Legal Forum for Oppressed Voices of Kashmir (LFOVK), a former International Judge of the UN at The Hague, Chief Justice of the Gambia, First Chairman of National Commission for the Human Rights Pakistan, Judge of the superior judiciary, Co-Chairperson UNESCO, Professor of International Law etc.

AJK President Demands Global Intervention On Demographic Change In IIOJK

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December 15, 2020

Azad Jammu & Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan has said that the crisis in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is so deep that calling the actions of the Indian occupation forces human rights violations is merely a euphemism as the 900,000 troops, there are committing brutalities, genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes.

The President made these remarks while interacting with Chief Justice (retd.) Ali Nawaz Chowhan, former Chief Justice of Gambia and the current Chairman of the Legal Forum for Oppressed Voices of Kashmir (LFOVK), who called on him in Jammu and Kashmir House late Monday, according to the AJK President office.

Ali Nawaz Chowhan apprised the AJK President of the activities of LFOVK and how this organisation is, within the periphery of the UN Charter, and the 2018 and 2019 reports of the Human Rights Commission, working on the legal dimensions of the Kashmir issue.

Chowhan said that LFOVK will approach the UN Secretary-General and other international organisations and will inform the Secretary-General’s office of the carnage taking place in IOJK. He added that while India continues to commit war crimes in the occupied territory, the international community is silent and not responding. He said that his organisation will continue to expose the true face of India.

Masood Khan while paying his tribute to Chief Justice (retd.) Chowhan, said that over the years, his illustrious career and proven legal expertise would be able to fill the gap and address the legal dimensions of the Kashmir dispute. He said that LFOVK has established itself as a new portal and important platform for protecting the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The President said that the outreach of Mr. Chowhan to the UN Secretary-General and the leadership in Geneva is commendable.

He added that in this environment, awareness-raising and advocacy by LFOVK is of critical importance and their efforts have given an added context for the protection of human rights and the exercise of the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people.The world must intervene before it’s too late.

Demographic change in IOJK is taking place at a rapid pace. These steps are in violation of the UN resolutions, international law and conventions”, he said.

The AJK President said that we must have talks on Kashmir but the key is to include Kashmiris in the talks. Any and all talks, he maintained, should take place under the auspices of the United Nations and the in line with the resolutions passed by the Security Council on Jammu and Kashmir.

He added that the legality of the whole issue stems from the fact that the people of Kashmir are a key party to the dispute and it is the Kashmiris that have to decide their political future,

Chief Justice (retd.) Chowhan also presented a book about the life and struggle of Kashmiri born US-based businessman Farooq Kathwari.

40 killed, 110 injured, 33 houses damaged in Indian-occupied Kashmir

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November 30, 2020

Islamabad - In its unrelenting act of continuous state-sponsored terrorism by Indian regime, Indian forces killed 40 persons in Indian-occupied Kashmir in November 2020, according to data compiled by Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFOVK), an international advocacy group for Kashmir.

Four persons were killed in fake encounters in the Nagrota area of Jammu division of the occupied territory.

More than 110 persons were injured due to the use of brute force by Indian police and paramilitary personnel in the disputed territory.

During night raids, over 60 persons were ruthlessly beaten and tortured by the fascist Indian-occupying army.

Amid chilling winter, Indian forces damaged 33 houses, snatching the livelihood of the oppressed people.

It is pertinent to mention that all-Muslim bloc Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) adopted a resolution on disputed Jammu and Kashmir at the 47th OIC-Council of Foreign Ministers summit held in Niger in the last week of November.

The OIC demanded that India must shun its illegal actions in the occupied region and halt its fascist program of demographic changes.

About LFOVK:

LFOVK is an independent organization that advocates, nationally and internationally, the Right of Self-Determination and respect for human rights in Occupied Kashmir through legal research, documentation, and capacity-building to address, under international law, the violations of individual and collective rights of Kashmiris. 

It aims at providing access to adequate legal defense for vulnerable people in the Occupied Territory. It conducts research, documentation, and collection of data on Human Rights issues. 

Human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir are a result of illegal occupation: Expert

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November 24, 2020

ISLAMABAD: “The conflict in Kashmir meets the threshold of International Armed Conflict (IAC) under Geneva Convention,” experts said at the sixth session to deliberate on “Failure of UN and Humanitarian organizations” viz-a-viz Kashmir.

At the round table hosted by the Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFOVK) on Monday, the final Session of “International Armed Conflict & Kashmir was held which aimed to trigger a debate over Kashmir’s International Armed conflict character and the applicability of the Law of War in disputed region.

Asif Khan, a senior assistant professor at Bahria University, said that all international laws, Geneva Conventions, and additional protocols apply to Kashmir but unfortunately, “we don’t see application of the international law in Kashmir.”

“For any occupation, there is legal solution and we push same before judicial bodies,” he said.

Iman Mazari in her comments said that Additional protocol IV restricts India for destroying civilian property in Occupied Kashmir.

“Human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir are result of illegal occupation,” she said.

“The denial of medical treatment, communication blackout, use of internationally banned pellet shotguns in IOK by Indian authorities stands in violation of international law.”

“Changing demography of Indian-occupied Kashmir into a Hindu majority by Modi-led BJP government and after abrogation of article 370 and 35A, India has breached Shimla agreement. Annexation cannot be recognized and we should work to sanction the occupying state for crime of aggression,” she added.

Oves Anwer, Director Research Society of International Law (RSIL), said the real battle is a “battle of narratives and legal battle”.

“The language of this battle is international law. We are not confronting India where we should confront. Unfortunately, Pakistan has reservations on international affairs,” he observed.

“India is labeling Kashmir freedom fighters as terrorism which is against all international norms. Kashmiris are fighting a legitimate war of liberation under international law,” he asserted.

Mohammad Shoib, assistant professor at Bahria University, said: “we need to realize that Kashmir is not only a political and legal issue, it is the case of humanitarian crises and occupation.”

“India cannot make laws for occupied territory, and Kashmiris don’t accept the constitution of India. So, the resistance against India becomes justified action for attaining the Right of Self Determination. Whatever India does to annex Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir is the strategy of Israel. Pakistan must take it serious,” he said.

The session was chaired by Justice (R) Ali Nawaz Chowhan – a former international judge at Hauge and Honorary member of LFOVK.

He said the government lobbyist for Kashmir “have no urge to fight for the right of Kashmir till internationalization of this issue was done by India itself”.

“This issue must not be reduced as a human rights issue. It is a hostile armed conflict with deep consequences if not addressed in due time,” said Justice Chowhan.

Chohan thanked LFOVK for its commitment and endeavor to pursue the lawfare of Kashmir.

“I am honored to be part of this team and soon we will come up with a legal doctrine which will give hope to the hopeless,” he said.

The session was moderated by Nasir Qadri, Director LFOVK.

He summed up the debate by calling Kashmir a “case of International armed conflict” while referring to certain International Humanitarian Law treaties which India has become a party.

Qadri said: “India cannot run away from the atrocity of crimes which they commit in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The rhetoric Kashmir as an internal matter or integral part is limited to their vote bank world knows the intensity of this armed conflict.”

27th October the black day for Kashmir.

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October 28, 2020

27th October is observed as the black day in the history of the Kashmir struggle. On this day Indian forces sponsored by Mountbatten and Nehru and constituting soldiers from maharaja of Patiala and Bakanir and as well of Kapoorthala joined the Dogra regime to crush the uprising of the locals of Kashmir against India. Shortly before this, there was the Jammu massacre in which there was a similar involvement leading to the killing of lacs of Muslims of Jammu.

Kashmir is the world largest militarized zone in the world with more than 800000 troops.The CIA factbook reveals that the people Army ratio is for every 5 individuals one army person is present. 27 October 2020 marks the 73rd year of military occupation in Indian occupied JK which is the longest in modern history. Since 1989 more than 96 thousand Kashmiris have been killed by the occupying army, 8000 have been subjected to enforced disappearance; there are 6000 unidentified mass graves in Kashmir. The occupying army use banned lethal weapons like pellet and PAVA grenades, Occupying force also use banned chemical to mutilate the dead bodies and destroy civilian property. India has criminalized dissent in Kashmir. The ban on media and free press speak volumes. The arbitrary detention under UAPA,PSA has crossed all the limits despite amnesty calling PSA a lawless law India has detained more than 15 thousand Kashmiri's since 05 August 2020. The impunity enjoyed by the army under AFSPA (armed forces special power act) has jeopardized the legal system, army use rape as a weapon of war, killed innocent under custody, and rampant use of torture.

The dispute of Kashmir is a source of international armed conflict and the Indian Army perpetrating war crimes, crime against humanity which needs to be adjudicated seriously before the world judicial forums.

The uprising and revolt against the Indian occupation is remarkable as well as the patience with which the people of Kashmir had gone through the ordeal. I congratulate them for their courage and steadfastness in encountering the evil military Indian machine.

I would be candid in saying that the Pakistan army took the brunt. Every day there are killings at the LOC. Three wars were fought. The conclusion is that we have to discover other dimensions for breaking the existing inertia, keeping the issue alive until the fulfillment of the Indian undertakings as reflected in UN resolutions.

We need a strong political will translated into action by a skillful approach for this purpose. I am sorry to say that for years the committee on Kashmir remained indolent. I also would attribute indolence to the government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Who should have been proactive throughout the 73 years. The leadership emerging from Azad J&K has only involved themselves in self-praise, rhetoric and aggrandizement. Leading luxurious life unbecoming of people in protest asking for their rights. This is has been disappointing.

The truth is that because of a design and conspiracy of Nehru and Mountbatten the maharaja of Patiala and Bakanir had already sent troops before the arrival of Afridis and Pathans from FATA went to encounter them and were able to capture the territory now liberated. India went to the UN on false grounds and remains unsuccessful. However, it kept the issue in abeyance till this date. However, the issue is now once more internationalized because of carnage, the annexation against the constitutional guarantee under section 370 and 35 of the constitution of India. The tricks taught by chanakya, the philosophy of Hindutva and the Kashmiri political scientist who wrote Raj karni. The present stage is also the result of the betrayal on the part of people like sheikh Abdullah.

The LEGAL FORUM FOR OPPRESSED VOICES OF KASHMIR is finding legal means of bringing the issue to the notice of the United Nations. We hope that this dedicated group of indigenous Kashmiris and their friends in Pakistan will successfully push the issue forward and obtain a legal decision not only against the carnage but also for action against the Indian war machine who is committing war crimes against the innocent people of Kashmir. Soon you will hear the steps we envisaged for the legalistic answer.

In the end I refer to the sayings of Iqbal

Jis khaak ke manzar ke zamir mein ho aatish-e-Chinar

Mumkin nahin ke sard ho who khaak-e-arjumand


(The dust that has in its conscience

The fire of Chinar tree

That dust, celestial dust

Will never become old.)

Justice Ali Nawaz Chowhan

Hon. Chairman LFOVK

Indian army admits wrongdoing in killing three Kashmiris

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September 18, 2020


The Indian army says its soldiers exceeded powers under the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in the killing of three local civilians in southern Indian-administered Kashmir earlier this year.

On July 18, Indian armed forces said they killed three unidentified "rebels" in Amshipora village in Shopian.

An Indian army spokesperson on Friday said the victims were now identified as residents of Rajouri district whose families had filed a complaint accusing soldiers of killing them in a staged gun battle.

"The inquiry ordered by the Army authorities into op Amshipora has been concluded. The inquiry has brought out certain prima facie evidence indicating that during the operation, powers vested under the AFSPA 1990 were exceeded," Colonel Rajesh Kalia, the army spokesperson, said in a statement.

"The evidence collected by the inquiry has prima-facie indicated that the three unidentified terrorists killed in Op Amshipora were Imtiyaz Ahmed, Abrar Ahmed and Mohd Ibrar, who hailed from Rajouri. Their DNA report is awaited. Their involvement with terrorism or related activities is under investigation by the police," the statement said.

LFOVK and IPS launches joint legal fact finding report urging War crimes tribunal to probe Indian atrocities in J&K

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August 04, 2020

Islamabad, 4 Aug 2020:  The legal fact-finding report titled ‘Kashmir Statehood Abrogated, co-published by Legal Forum for Oppressed Voices of Kashmir (LFOVK) and Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), which was released today provides an in-depth report about the situation in J&K during the past one year since India abrogated Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution, which revoked the region’s special status and unilaterally annexed the territory illegally.

The report says that the Indian government’s siege of the region can be classified as a military occupation via unilateral annexation which stands in violation of International Humanitarian Law in armed conflict. It says the international community should fulfill its responsibility and seek an interim remedy under the UN Responsibility to Protect (“R2P”) norm to stop further aggression of Indian forces in the occupied territory. 

India fulfills the definition of occupation under Article 42 of The Hague Regulations 1907; stands in violation of the fundamental rights of civilians under The Hague Regulations and Geneva Convention IV Articles 47-48, Additional Protocol 1, Article 75; stands liable for committing the crime of aggression via unilateral annexation in contravention of Article 8 bis 2 (b) of the Rome Statute; and has violated all four Geneva Conventions.

Director LFOVK Advocate Nasir Qadri while commenting on the sidelines of report launching ceremony said “India has been perpetrating atrocities in Jammu & Kashmir that come under crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes, according to international laws. This necessitates setting up of an independent war crimes tribunal to investigate atrocities committed by the Indian occupying forces and intervention of the International Criminal Court to initiate proceedings against all perpetrators”. 

Executive president IPS Dr. Khalid Rahman said “the Indian occupation of Kashmir was never justified. When India abrogated article 370 and article 35A of its constitution it also loses its right to administer over Kashmir. When there is such an occupation, then Right to Freedom is a fundamental right for the people which UN itself has recognized and not only it is necessary for the people of Kashmir to have their right to freedom and not only that, every struggle is necessary for the people there to achieve Right of freedom”. 

The human rights abuses perpetrated by India include curtailment of religious rights, constraints on economic development, curbs on freedom of communication via the internet and telephone lines, restrictions on journalists, denial of the right to education, banning freedom of movement, along with the imposition of curfews, infliction of torture and arbitrary detentions.

Furthermore, India stands in violation of International Humanitarian Law due to the use of lethal weapons, sexual violence against women, illegal change in the demographic structure by bringing in people from outside the region after changing the provisions for domicile, inadequate response to the Covid-19 pandemic and destruction of civilian property.

The report, while citing scholars, says India’s introduction of the new domicile laws during the Covid-19 pandemic has created implications of demographic change and delimitations that will redraw the parliamentary and assembly constituencies in favor of those regions more receptive to the Indian government such as Ladakh and Jammu, thus tilting the balance of power from the historically majority Muslim Kashmir State.

The report commends that member states of the UN Security Council should refer to this case of illegal annexation and demographic change in the disputed region for an advisory opinion to the International Court of Justice. Also, the prospects of setting up a War crimes Tribunal to prosecute perpetrators of War crimes, Crimes against Humanity, and Crime of aggression under the International Criminal Court.

Download PDF file of the report here:

Kashmiri Parents Name Newborns After Turkish Series Ertugrul

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July 15, 2020

Kashmiri Parents Name Newborns After Turkish Series Ertugrul

Popular Turkish TV serial Dirilis Ertugrul has taken the internet by storm not in Pakistan but across the border as well.

Parents are naming their newborns after Ertugrul, the lead character in the Turkish historical fiction series, Dirilis Ertugrul. The adventure television series shows the life and times of people who laid the foundations of the Ottoman Empire.
In a report published in Outlook, Dr Suhail Naik, consultant Pediatrician and president Doctors Association of Kashmir was quoted, “Ertugrul is the frequently encountered name in my outdoor department. During winters Ertugrul caps with fur were trending in Kashmir, but at that time I didn't comprehend the basis of fashion. But now I also started watching it and I realise what is happening.”

It may be recalled that in occupied Kashmir as well as in Pakistan, ‘Dirilis: Ertugrul’ has become more popular during the lockdown and the people of Kashmir are also enjoying this Turkish series with great enthusiasm.

The Turkish series Dirilis: Ertugrul, based on Islamic conquests, traces the period before the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the 13th century.  

More Than 300 Women Raped in a Single Night By Indian Army in Kashmir.


July 08, 2020

‘Rape’ is considered a taboo in our society. But mass rapes and public gang rapes are a particularly powerful weapon to use against communities and whole villages in order to terrorize them. There are many examples and testimonies of women being raped in groups by the Indian Occupational Forces in Kashmir. Rape is being used as a weapon of war. Asia Watch in its report on “rapes in Kashmir” In 1993 listed six documented cases of gang rape committed by forces.

On the dark night of February 23, 1991, more than 300 personnel Indian occupational forces raided in the twin villages of kupwara district KUNAN and POSHPORA of Kashmir.

As many as 150 girls and women from the age group of 18-75 were raped that night and around 200 men were tortured. This manifests the violence of enslavement with Indian army holding down Kashmir and its people, against their will and by force.

Mass rape is not the only humiliation for women but also for the villagers.                                         

A researcher, pondered after one of her visits to the twin villages:

What was it like, I found myself imagining, to be squatting in your own snowy barnyard, drowning in your tin bucket, broken and blubbering on your hard granary floor, blinded by chilies from your own store? Or most unimaginably of all, to be Abdul Wani. 

To return from an overnight business trip to Srinagar and find your front door broken, your two sons in bed electrocuted, your wife and three daughters raped, and your family’s barn turned into the village torture chamber?

India being a free country.  There are some fundamental rights guaranteed to all. Indian armed forces to have their own sets of freedom which includes freedom to kill, to maim, to torture, to rape under draconian law, called as "lawless laws". and those barbaric beasts are hiding under those laws.

Kashmiris have some freedoms too. Although the freedom of speech may be curtailed but we still have the freedom to remain silent, to never raise our voice, to accept India’s subjugation. If you raise your voice you may get punished but the state perpetrators of crime will remain free.

Burhan, The feel of revolution

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July 07, 2020

Burhan, The feel of revolution

The birthplace of slain rebel leader, Burhan Wani, remains one of the greatest restless zones of Kashmir. It is not only that the public wants to endure their sorrow for Burhan who has encouraged numerous youth to join rebel ranks in Tral but the ruthless extravagances by the administration armies have made them hit the road. The situation is so grave that Women want to take up arms, kids indulge in stone-pelting and young lads are prepared to join the rebellious ranks. 

Burhan wielded massive popularity in the indigenous population through social media attendance, and helped in assigning a more youth-oriented image of armed fighting in Kashmir, drafting several foot-soldiers to the noble cause.

Very ambitious to become a doctor to a top rebel commander, Burhan gave a new life to armed struggle, especially in south Kashmir. 

Who is Burhan Wani:

A boy, who was born in September 19, 1994 at Dadsara village of Tral area of Pulwama in an upper-middle-class family of Muzaffar Wani who named him Burhan Muzaffar Wani. Both his father and mother are Government school teachers in Tral. Nobody knew in the Indian Occupied Kashmir that this boy would change the history of warfare by escalating a challenge to the massive Indian Forces.

Burhan joined the armed struggle in October 16, 2010 to retaliate the humiliation when he was ruthlessly beaten by Indian occupational forces along with his brother Khalid Muzaffar Wani and the Indian occupational forces had killed his brother in custody on April 13, 2015.

He came up with his real name without hiding his identity and showed his existence in warfare, uniform from thick forests and lush green orchards in the south of Indian Occupied Kashmir and ruled over the hearts of the young generation of Kashmir.

Since 2011, Burhan was popular on social media as a commander of the largest indigenous Kashmiri freedom fighters organization — Hizbul Mujahideen. Burhan used the latest technology and the internet to promote Kashmiri cause on social media that resulted in sleepless nights for top ranks officers of the Indian army in New Delhi for more than six years.

Burhan was Kashmiri freedom fighter with political guts and was completely following the line of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) to promote Kashmiri struggle.

Burhan and his colleague had their own schedule, they used to sleep in the day and moved from one area to another at night to change their location in south Kashmir.

The pictures of their movement in forests and orchards made Burhan and his whole group famous among Kashmir’s young generation. He ruined Indian army restrictions with the help of local people who came to rescue him while bombarding security forces with stones during siege and search operations that disclosed the popularity and love of the people for Burhan in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The Indian army along with other security agencies martyred Burhan Wani and his two colleagues at Bumdoora village in Kokernag area on July 8, 2016. More than one million people gathered at Eidgah Tral for his funeral. He was laid to rest close to the grave of his elder brother Khalid Muzafar Wani.

Burhan’s martyrdom gave a new life to the freedom struggle. Following the martyrdom of Burhan, the entire Indian Occupied Kashmir was involved in violence beginning from July 8, 2016 to February 2017. The longest shutdown and curfew in the history of IOK to mourn the martyrdom of Burhan, that explode clashes between Indian occupational forces and protesters in which nearly 100 people were killed, 15,000 injured and hundreds were blinded by pellet guns.

Chairman Hurriyat Conference Syed Ali Geelani while paying tribute to Burhan Wani said “These brave hearts will be remembered for their exemplary sacrifices towards freedom of Kashmir."

A Resilient Geelani


June 30, 2020

A Resilient Geelani

Personal life

Born in Bandipurah village and brought up in Sopore town of Kashmir, Geelani completed his higher education from oriental collage Lahore, with strong hold on various languages and an author to at least 34 books. He has translated Alama Iqbal’s Persian work into the Urdu language.

Lifetime chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and former head of Jamaat Islami and Tehreek Hurriyat, has been house arrested from last 10 years, with different ailments including kidney problems, heart ailment, and bronchitis, his one kidney and gallbladder were removed recently, nonagenarian pro-freedom leader of Kashmir is seen as freedom icon of Kashmir with former PM of Pakistan calling him as “beacon of freedom for the people of Jammu and Kashmir and staunch opponent of union with India.

Political views

Staunch pro-Pakistani leader, He does not believe in an idea of an independent Kashmir, although according to him independence is preferable over "Indian imperialism". He is an ideologue who believes Kashmir should be an Islamic state within a theocratic Pakistan. Geelani is seen as living Pakistan in Indian Territory. Spent over two decades behind bars, Geelani was first time detained in 1962, Geelani personally believes in a political solution of Kashmir dispute but praised local freedom fighters who are fighting with the occupational forces. He also led the funeral in absentia of Shaheed Afzal Guru who was hanged by the Indian government in Tihar jail in 2013 in Eidgah Srinagar.

When other Hurriyat leaders softened their approach towards Delhi, Geelani remained firm on his stance and broke away with Hurriyat Conference and formed separate party named Tehreek-e Hurriyat which demands that, Kashmir must be recognized as disputed territory, and the dispute  must be resolved by a plebiscite held according to the resolutions passed by the United Nations in 1948.

A senior Indian journalist Yoginder Sikand who has conducted an extensive research on Jamaat-e-Islami, Syed Ali Geelani, and Indian Muslims writes; unlike other noted Kashmiri Muslim leaders, he is regarded as “honest”, “committed”, to have never compromised his stand on freedom from India. It would not be an exaggeration to claim that he is regarded by many Kashmiri Muslims as the unparalleled icon of their resistance to Indian rule.” (Azadi!: Syed Ali Shah Gilani and the Movement for Political Self-Determination for Jammu and Kashmir by Yoginder Sikand pp. 1, 33)

He survived 12 assassination attempts in the past 20 years, supporter of two nation theory, who believes in the complete merger of Jammu and Kashmir State with Pakistan, Former IB and R&AW chief, Amarjit Singh Dulat, considers SAS Geelani as a “bad news” for India.

About Pakistan

He is said to be very close to the Pakistani government but did not shy away from criticizing Pakistani policies regarding Kashmir especially Kargil episode. While commenting on Kargil situation he said that while Pakistan had been supporting "the indigenous struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, morally, diplomatically and politically ... this does not mean Pakistan can take a decision on our behalf".

Geelani is the only Kashmiri leader who confronted then Pakistani president Gen Parvaiz Musharaff and rejected his 4 point formula and even said that Musharraf has “lost self-confidence" and is in a "state of mental depression”. While addressing a press conference in Srinagar.

For many young Kashmiri people, Geelani is a seen as Omar Mukhtar, the Libyan freedom fighter who fought Italian occupiers in Libya, who has never compromised.

Resignation from APHC

On 29 June 2020, in a surprising move, Geelani issued a video, and detailed letter of his resignation from All parties Hurriyat Conference, the amalgam of different separatist parties of Kashmir. The party which he formed and was a lifetime chairman.

While criticizing the AJK faction of APHC, Geelani in his resignation letter said that the Azad Kashmir branch of the All Parties Hurriyat The conference is just a representative forum. It is not authorized to take any individual or collective decision. For a long time in general and for the last 2 years, in particular, a lot of complaints are coming in about this forum. In view of the current situation and after pondering over the whole situation, I announce complete parting away from All Parties Hurriyat Conference Jammu and Kashmir. I can’t bear the responsibility for my weaknesses and shortcomings as well as the performance of my colleagues in this forum.

The letter further lashes out Hurriyat leaders for not taking any stance and make any efforts after the Indian government unilaterally abrogated article 370 of Indian constitution.

The latter further confirms that Geelani has only parted ways with APHC, he will remain a permanent member of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat led by Mohammad Asraf sehrai” A close aide for decades.

Masrat Alam Bhat, young hardcore and pro-Pakistani leader and Chairman Muslim League, is seen as new head of APHC who has been lodged in Delhi’s Tihar jail.

Two more Kashmir youth martyred by Indian army

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June 29, 2020

Two more kashmiri youth martyred by indian army

Two Kashmiri freedom fighters have been martyred in a gunfight with Indian government forces that broke out in Waghama village of Bijbehara in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district on Tuesday morning, Indian police said.

Earlier reports said that the joint team of army's 03 RR, SOG, and CRPF launched cordon and search operation in the area on specific information about the presence of suspected freedom lovers in the area. 

Cordon and search operation was followed by a gunfight in which two rebels were killed, Indian army officials said.  

Police confirmed on Twitter that two unidentified militants had been killed in the gunfight adding that searches were on in the area.

It is pertinent to mention that it is the second gunfight in the last 24 hours in Anantnag district, yesterday three local freedom lovers were martyred. 

Meanwhile, internet facilities have been snapped in the whole Anantnag district.
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