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Uzma Khan responds to video leak controversy

I have been shamed, blackmailed, harassed, been threatened to kill in the past 3 days. I feel I have nothing to lose now and I have decided to fight the strongest people of Pakistan.
See How Uzma Khan House Was Destroyed By Malik Riaz Daughter And ...

I have been shamed, blackmailed, harassed, been threatened to kill in the past 3 days. I feel I have nothing to lose now and I have decided to fight the strongest people of Pakistan. For me it is either I get justice or I will be killed but there is no turning back now, I will fight against daughters (Amber Malik and Pashmina Malik) of Malik Riaz who stormed into my house around midnight with 12 gunmen. 

I am an Orphan so you can’t kill my parents. The maximum you can do is kill me. Since you’ve shamed me in front of the whole world anyway. Since I’m a woman and obviously the vulnerable and easy target, carry on but now I will fight till my last drop of blood

I request Punjab police to register my FIR and conduct my and my sisters Medical examination(my basic right) before our wounds start to heal. I hope I am as much Pakistani as Malik Riaz. 

O' ALLAH save me from the wrath of these people! Ameen

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