Lunar Graze: History Lunar Graze: History
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Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

The Great YASA | Real History of "Laws of Genghis Khan"


May 10, 2020

For those who are following the Turkish historical adventure series “Kurulus Osman”, They must hear about the “Genghis Khan Laws”. The writer added a twist in the story by adding this. In series Osman recovers the Genghis Khan laws from white beards and exchanges them for the life of their brother, uncle, and tribe. Let's discuss that either there are any Laws of Genghis, and either they were stolen or lost as depicts in the series.

Portrait of "Genghis Khan"

The Great YASA

“YASA” is a Mongol word which means “command, act or verdict”. YASA referred to the basic legal code laid down by Genghis Khan in 1206 during the great Kurultai (The council or gathering of ancient Mongol noble people). The copies of YASA were kept by each princess to take guidance in the future. 

The purpose of the YASA was to rule the land under Mongols according to decree ordered by the Genghis Khan. There is a conflict that no copies of the Great YASA were produced, because the real text of the code was to remain Unmentionable. 

The Mongol tribes and people of the area that comes under Mongol control were governed by the Great YASA (Laws by Genghis Khan). The Great YASA was built on the Mongol customs and their traditions. They were flexible and changes can be made in them according to the need of the time.

Genghis son Chagatai strictly followed unwritten Mongol traditional laws and his criticism and the decision he made were included in the pre-existing unwritten laws. Genghis quotations and statements were also parts of the Great YASA. Adopted brother of Genghis khan, Tatar Shigi-Qutuqu, whose responsibility was judiciary during 1206 Kurultai, was also a source of laws that form the great YASA. In his period, he made the habit of writing the decision which he made. They were recorded in the blue book and they were considered binding. 

This itself does not epitomize Genghis Khan’s Great YASA, and it must be presumed that such kind of document never existed, However in later years, People start believing in the existence of the Document.

It’s not Sure that either there was any YASA or not but still the Mongols had strict rules and laws under Genghis Khan, and they were very disciplined. They showed respect to every religion and in that way, they were playing safe. There was no tax on Priests and Religious institutions. The punishment for spying, betrayal, stealing, adultery was execution. 

There was a superstition in Mongols that they fear the shedding of the blood of a Noble on Earth, So if they must kill the Noble, The wrapped him in Carpet and kicked till Death. To suppress Anarchy, Strict actions were taken in order to ensure the supremacy of Law.

TRT Ertugrul by PTV Becomes Fastest to 1 Million Subscribers on YouTube


May 09, 2020

TRT Ertugrul by PTV made a world record.

"TRT Ertugrul by PTV" which is made by the joint collaboration of Turkish TV channel TRT and Pakistani channel PTV. PTV bought the rights of Dirilis Ertugrul from TRT and now airing the famous Turkish historical adventure series also known as Turkish Games of thrones worldwide "Dirilis Ertugrul" in Urdu Dubbing.
Dirilis Ertugrul is a Historical adventure series revolving around the life of the father of the Ottoman Empire "Ertugrul Ghazi". The Youtube Channel TRT Ertyugrul By PTV was made on April 18, 2020, and in only 21 days, it hits more than 1 Million subscribers and 58,426,462 views on youtube. The official English channel of Dirilis Ertugrul wants Pakistani to made another world record by subscribing to this channel and to reach the subscribers count to 6.6 Million in less than one month.
Dirilis Ertugurl is welcomed very warmly in Pakistan and its first episode hits more than 12 Million in a week. It is aired on PTV on request of PM Imran Khan. There is a chance that in a few days another Turkish historical series "Yunus Emre" will be dubbed in Urdu Language.

Who was Osman Ghazi | How Osman Ghazi Established Ottoman Empire

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May 07, 2020

Osman Ghazi
Osman Ghazi was the first sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and the name Ottoman derived from his name. He was born to Ertugrul and Halime hatun in 1258, in Sogut. He trained by his father Ertugrul Ghazi from childhood. Ertugrul Ghazi gathered people who were ready to give up their life to Islamize the Anatolia and its surrounding areas. Osman improved his skills by listening to the addresses of his father and his commanders and participated with them in several wars and gained victories. Ertugrul Ghazi appointed Osman important duties of the tribe when he himself got old and were far from state affairs. One reason for appointing Osman as the bey was his superiority to his sibling in terms of a sharp mind and precautions. After the death of his father Ertugrul in 1281, Osman become Bey of the Tribe with the union of Oghuz Tribes. Sheikh Edebali was Osman Sheikh and spiritual teacher and Osman never misses the conversations of him. One night in 1277, Osman had a dream when he was a guest in his Sheikh's lodge. In Dream, a moon appeared in Sheikh Edebali’s chest and it rose and then sloped into Osman’s chest. Then from his naval a tree leaped, which grew and its branches spread. The tree branched out so much that its shadows covered the whole world.

In the morning when he woke up, He went straight to Sheikh Edebali and Explains him the whole Dream, Edebali interpreted it and told Osman: 
Congratulations Osman! Allah Almighty has given sovereignty upon you and your generation. The whole world will be under the protection of your children
At age 19, Osman Ghazi tie the knot with Sheikh Edebali’s Daughter, Malhun Hatun. Orhan Ghazi (Next sultan of Ottoman Empire) was born from this marriage. He was born following the death of his Grandfather Ertugrul Ghazi. When Osman Become Bey, Sogut winter quarters, Domanic (A Town in Present Turkey) summer grasslands were governed by Kayi Tribe under the Seljuk Empire. These areas were located on the borderland of the Byzantine. 

Foundation of an Empire

Osman after taking control of the Kayi tribe tried to develop friendly relations with the neighboring territories and he struggles against Byzantine Empire. In 1285, the first known war was made between Inegol and Ermeni-Beli. Following this in 1286, The ottomans conquered Karachaisar with 300 men. The Governors of Inegol and Karachaisar made an alliance and fight against Ottomans but got defeated. In 1288, the First time a church was converted into Mosque and sermon was read on behalf of Osman.  As a result of his efforts the Seljuk sultan sent him gifts and announced him, Bey, on borderlands in 1288. He gave Inonu and Eskisehir to Osman Ghazi and relieved him from paying taxes so the kayi tribe can compensate for the damage done by struggling against the byzantine Empire. The Notable Commanders which Osman had included Samsa Cavus, Konur Alp, Akca Koca, Aykut Alp, and Abdurrahman Ghazi. 

The likely moves of Osman Ghazi who speeded up the raids made the Byzantine landlords on the border more worried. Osman and his commanders conquered Bilecik, Inegol, and Yarhisar. After conquered of these areas, Osman moved his headquarter from Sogut to Bilecik. Osman Ghazi was successfully conquering the borderland under byzantine, At the same time Mongols invaded Anatolia and they took Anatolian Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad III to Iran. When Mongols take control of whole lands under Seljuks, The Seljuk commanders and Soldiers isolated, some gathered around Osman Ghazi. Osman Ghazi declared independence in 1299 and begin to build state organization. Friday and Eid sermons in Karachaisar and Eskisehir were recited in Osman’s name. The sermons were important in the Islamic community in terms of proof and validation of the power of a ruler. He appointed Dursun Fakih who was the student of Sheikh Edebali, Muslim Judge and preacher of the Karachaisar.

In 1301, Osman made further conquest and he made Yenisehir the new headquarter. He had new administrative, financial and communal institution houses built in Yenisehir and gave Bilecik to Sheikh Edebali. Osman gave the administration of sultanonu to Orhan Bey, Eskisehir to his elder brother Gunduz Alp, Inonu to one of his comrade Aykut Alp, Yarhisar to Hasan Alp, and administration of Inegol to Turgut Alp.

The administration of Osman was built upon Justice. Muslims as well as the Christian of the conquered land was impressed by Osman Justice. They were also tired by heavy taxes imposed by Greeks commanders. They preferred to go under the rule of Osman Ghazi and decided to obey him as a Ruler. Landlord of Harmankaya accepted Islam in 1313 and went under the rule of Osman.

The ottomans continued the raids and conquered many castles from the coast of Marmara to the direction of the Black Sea. In 1317, Konur Alp conquered Castles in the direction of Sakarya and karatekin. Akca Koca also helped in the expansion of the Ottoman lands. Osman send Orhan Ghazi to conquer Mudanya. With Mudanya conquest, the obstruction of Bursa was strengthened. The Ottoman Raids continued for a one and a half year, many plunders were captured from Byzantine territory. This in turn led the Byzantine empire into a financial crisis. By 1325, Ottoman were able to conquer Akyazi, Ayankoy, Karamursel, and Orhaneli.

All the regions that were conquered were reconstructed and ownerless houses were gifted to veterans. The Ottoman's offices were built. Taxes were imposed on the Christian community related to Non-Muslims applicable law of the Islamic region. After the conquest of Bursa, Osman’s health worsened and after the death of his spiritual leader his health gets worse. When he was in his death bed, He advised his son which shows his love and respect for Islam and his people.
Look after and protect the scholars, virtuous men, artists and literary men who are the power of the state structure. Treat them with kindness and honor. Build a close relationship when you hear about a virtuous man and give wealth and grant him. Enable them to do anything and bring then to your lands so that during your reign the number of scholars, virtuous men increase, and the religious and political duties get in order and improve
The tribe of 400 Tents, located on the border of Seljuk-Byzantine had established an Empire on behalf of Osman Ghazi. Osman left an area of 16 thousand kilometers to his son when he died. He died in 1326 in Bursa and his tomb is in Bursa.

Who was Raja Dahir? How Muhammad Bin Qasim Conquer Sindh


May 04, 2020

Portrait of Hindu Ruler Raja Dahir

Raja Dahir was the last Hindu monarch of Sindh, in present-day Pakistan. In 711 CE, his empire was occupied by the Ummayad Caliphate commanded by General Muhammad bin Qasim. He was murdered at the Battle of Aror at the banks of the Indus River, near modern-day Benazir Abad.

The main reason for Hajjaj ibn Yusuf excursion against Raja Dahir was stealing gifts as a result of a pirate raid on the Debal coast which was sent to the caliph from Serendib King. The Umayyad dynasty can be seen advancing upon in 700 CE on the western frontier of the Indian Subcontinent. Hajaj’s launched the next campaign under the command of Muhammad Bin Qasim in 711.

Portrait of Muhammad Bin Qasim and Raja Dahir

Before the battle with Arabs, Dahir’s vizier loomed him and proposed to him that he should take refuge in the kingdom of one of the friendly kings of India. You should say to them, 'I am a wall between you and the Arab army. If I fall, nothing will stop your destruction at their hands.'" If that wasn't acceptable to Dahar, said the vizier, then he should at least send away his family to some safe point in India. Dahar refused to do either. "I cannot send away my family to security while the families of my thakurs and nobles remain here." And he said

I am going to meet the Arabs in the open battle and fight them as best as I can. If I crush them, my kingdom will then be put on a firm footing. But if I am killed honorably, the event will be recorded in the books of Arabia and India and will be talked about by great men. It will be heard by other kings in the world, and it will be said that Raja Dahir of Sindh sacrificed his precious life for the sake of his country, in fighting with the enemy.

Dahir then tried to prevent Qasim from crossing Indus River, who previously successfully secured the western region of the Indus river with the help of local tribes. He moves his forces to the eastern border. In due course Qasim crossed the river and defeated the Dahir army led by Dahir’s son. Dahir fought Qasim in 712 at Roar, Present-day Benazir Abad where he got killed. His head was cut off from his body and was sent to Hajjaj bin Yousaf. Muhammad bin Qasim then captured his eastern territories for the Umayyad Caliphate.

Dramas and Movies Based on Ottoman Empire You Should Watch!


April 20, 2020

The Ottoman Empire (Derived its name from its founder "Osman Bin Ertugrul") was an Islamic state and Caliphate which rules over 6 centuries in Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. In the formation of the Ottoman Empire, many Turks gave their life. It all started when the Seljuk empire was demolished and many beyliks declared independence, In the meantime Osman Ghazi united several beyliks in Sogut and surrounding areas and form a small state. This small state starting from a small land converted into a giant and one of the long-lasting empires of history.

Nowadays there are many Movies, Season and Dramas have been released which are based on the Ottoman Empire or about the life of sultans of the Ottoman Empire or about the incidents that take place during that era. Below are the few Serials and Movies which are based on/linked to the Ottoman Empire.

1. Dirilis: Ertugrul (Resurrection: Ertugrul)

Dirilis Ertugrul is a Turkish historic adventurer series written and created by Mehmet Bozdag. The role of Ertugrul Ghazi is portrayed by Engin Altan while the role of Halime Sultan is portrayed by Esra Bilgic. This series focused on the pre ottoman era. The hardship faced by the Turks by Mongols and Byzantines. Mehmet Bozdag excellently delivers the concept of the series in the audience mind. This series is now also telecast by Pakistani government Channel with Urdu Dubbing.

2. Kurulus Osman (Establishment Osman)

Kurulus Osman is the sequel of the Turkish historic adventure series "Dirilis Ertugrul" and based on the life of the founder of the Ottoman Empire " Osman Ghazi". The role of Osman Ghazi is portrayed by Burak Özçivit. This series shows the internal and external hardship faced by Osman Ghazi and how he establishes the Ottoman Empire. This series is not completed yet and only 17 episodes have been released till today.

3. Bir Zamanlar Osmanlı: Kıyam (Once Ottoman: Kıyam)

This is a Turkish historical TV series and is based on the events that occurred in the ottoman empire during the 18th century which includes the assassins, the tulip era and the Petrona Halil rebellion.

4. Filinta

Filinta is a Netflix Turkish series. It is an ottoman detective fiction series and depicting the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. It was filmed in Seka Park Film Studio located in Izmir. It has 2 seasons.

5. Payitaht: Abdülhamid ( The Last Emperor: Abdul Hamid)

It is a Turkish historical TV drama series depicting the events that occurred during the reign of the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire "Abdul Hamid II". There are a total of 4 seasons of this series. The series is revolving around the last 13 years of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II reign.

6. Rise of Empires: Ottoman

This is a Turkish historic Documentary Drama Series consisting of 6 episodes. Rise of empires: Ottoman is an original Netflix series which tell us about the events that occurred in the conquest of Constantinople under the rule of Mehmet the Conquerer.

7. Yunus Emre: AÅŸkin YolculuÄŸu (The Story of Love) 

Yunus Emre is a Turkish Biographical Historic TV Show created by the mastermind of the Dirilis Ertugrul and Kurulus Osman "Mehmet Bozdag". It revolves around the life of the Seljuq official Qazi who traves to Nallihan during the invasion of Mongol in Anatolia. Yunus Emre is the 14th century Anatolian Poet who greatly influenced the culture of Anatolia. The series has total 2 seasons.

8. Fatih (TV series)

Fatih is a Turkish historical TV drama series encircling the life of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet The Conquerer. It has a total of 5 Episodes.

9. MuhteÅŸem Yüzyıl (Magnificent Century)

Muhteşem Yüzyıl is a Turkish historical adventurous TV series based on the life of Ottoman Ruler Suleyman The Magnificent and his wife Hurrem Sultan. He was the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

10. MuhteÅŸem Yüzyıl: Kösem (Magnificent Century: Kösem)

Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem is the sequel of the Turkish historical adventure TV series "Muhteşem Yüzyıl". It revolves around the life of the Mahpeykar Kosem Sultan.

11. 120 (film)

120 is a Turkish historical war film based on true events. It revolves around the death of 120 children aged 12-17 by Russian army during World War I, who were on the mission to supply the ammunition to the Ottoman Army.

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