



Media is considered as the fourth pillar of the state. Media is like a bridge between public and Government. Media is opinion builder. Media has different tools. Electronic Media, Print media and social media .
The Future of Fake News | Media literacy, Fake news, Digital literacy
Media is considered as the fourth pillar of the state. Media is like a bridge between public and Government. Media is opinion builder.

Media has different tools. Electronic Media, Print media and social media . Now , its era of technology. People have access to media. Everyone has internet connection. We have access to media but we do not know how to use media. It is assuming an alarming proportion in our country.

Electronic and print media are becoming unpopular day by day. Social media is becoming very popular. People spent most of their time on social media, there is variety of content on social media.
Today am going to talk about the media literacy. We should know that how much information is enough for us.

Due to variety of content, reader is unable to choose what is right information and how much in enough. Social media is becoming very strong tool to spread rumours , fake news and promote agenda of any kind. Due to less media literacy social media users share information without crosscheck. It is need of time to educate people about media use.

We have so many examples of mishaps created by social media. Mishal  murder was the result of fake propaganda against Mishal khan, by social media. There are so many rumours on facebook, youtube, whatsapp and other tools of social media.

Media literacy means use of media in positive way but unfortunately in our country media literacy does not exist. Being a responsible citizen of country it is our duty to educate people how to use media. There are some rules which  every social media user should follow;
  • Make yourself good online. It means always share authentic news.
  • Do not share rumours.
  • Do not share any kind of content against any sect.
  • Always use correct grammar and correct sentence structure.
  • Do not stalk people on social media.
  • Do not add unknowns.
  • Do not share content against Government and law enforcing departments
  • Always crosscheck information. 

Nobody can live without social media. We are becoming the patients of social media. There are two phobias which social media creates
  •      FOBO(Fear of Being offline)
  •      FOMO(Fear of Missing out)

Being offline is very painful for every user. People are online even during their work , class and office. Fear of missing out is another fear . When we post anything on social media , we check again and again how many people check our story and status. When someone does not comment on our picture or status we feel some kind of hate and inferiority complex.

It is my request to all users please use social media in positive way because excess of everything is bad. We spent most of our time on social media but we got nothing. Excessive use of gadgets is injurious to our health. Harmful rays are very injurious to eyes. Excessive use of gadgets stuck mind.

Government should also look into this matter very seriously . I suggest that government should include media literacy subject in courses of school , college and universities.

Story by: HafizMudasar Rehman 

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