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Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts

Good Governance versus Maladministration

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October 01, 2020

Our quest for good governance is still a dream. There is a lot of political rhetoric in favor of good governance and the rule of law since day one of the creation of Pakistan. The Quaid valued Human Rights, Dignity of men, freedom of beliefs, and practice of cultures as an essential part of the state.

According to the Quaid, the civil servants were the servants of the state and not their masters. They had to implement the policy framed by the representative of the people. Ironically the greatest numbers of complaints arise from mal administration attributed to bureaucracy. Bureaucracy has always been strong because of its network and the general incompetency of the political leadership who are supposed to govern them. Corruption is another aspect in which we find connivance of the leadership and the bureaucracy and this makes the bureaucracy uncontrollable and systems corrupt. 

The prime minister of Pakistan also has a grievance against the prevailing mal administration but it seems that he has no clue to amelioration the malady. 

The complaint receiving process arising out of common grievances of the people caught the attention of the military ruler who taking inspiration from the Swedish ombudsman introduced PO one of 1983. The objective and attributes of the ombudsman were formulated as follows.

-To right individual wrongs 
- To make bureaucracy more humane
- To lessen popular alienation from government 
- To prevent abuses by acting as a ‘bureaucratic watch-dog’ - To vindicate civil servants when unjustly accused.

In its report of 1985, the objective for the establishment of the ombudsman were stated as follows.

“The raison d’etre for setting up the institution of the wafaqi mohtasib was to institutionalize a new mechanism for readdressing injustice done to citizens by public functionaries at the federal level. It was sought to set up a system which combines judicial impartiality, adequate investigate capability, pragmatic flexibility in its procedures and professional insight into the labyrinth of the modern administrative structure.”

The main attribute envisaged is that the institution will be external to administration

The ombudsman was given extensive powers and it was said: 

“For carrying out the objective of this order and, in particular for ascertaining the root causes of corrupt practices and injustice, the Mohtasib may arrange for studies to be made or research to be conducted and may recommend appropriate steps for the eradication”

Mal administration and bad governance is the order of the day. We are still looking for forensic reports on the eradication of mal practices and corruption. Besides the federal ombudsman there are ombudsmen in the provinces, The institutions are ubiquitous, and yet as is said “water water everywhere but not a drop to drink”. 

The first wrong which was done by the military dictator was removing was to delist the ministry of defense and the cantonment boards rampant with maladministration and corruption from the preview of the federal ombudsman. As it noticed the main engagement of the ombudsman is in day to day complaints whereas the need is to change the system. 

I had the opportunity of being an observer in the office of the ombudsman of Sweden as well as the ombudsman of Ontario. It is amazing to see how these institutions have been catalys in making their system humane. A two-line letter from the ombudsman of Sweden to anyone including the army creates a chill, this does happen here. 

In the United States, there is a lot of respect for the rule of law. They have addition to other forums the administrative law judges (ALJ) system created by Mr Roosveld. I have studied this system while at Columbia University, New York, and find it a very useful model for Pakistan as it involves an adjudicatory rather than recommendatory process as in the case of the Pakistani ombudsman. After initial hearings, the grievance passes on from the ALJ to the federal district judge. And so the judicial power comes into the action in resolving the issue effectively. In our case references against the decision of the ombudsman are again reviewed at the office of the president and this causes delay and administrative interference in a judicial order. Having worked as a consultant to the president on administrative law, I had seen the process defeating the purpose. 

The other institution for the protection and promotion of human rights came into being in 2015. It remained functional for four years. Myself being the first chairman the commission published 34 investigative reports, over 4000 complaints, and many legislative drafts introduced Pakistan as a civilized society internationally, helped the government in achieving the benefits of GSP+. It helped the vulnerable segments of the society, the transgender, the minorities; those subjected to violence, and enforced disappearances. It advocated respect for human rights and rule of law. This institution was made dysfunctional and according to the report of Daily Dawn dated (29th October, 2020 “The Govt deliberately keeping HR bodies dysfunctional: Senate Body”) The National Commission for human rights Act 2012 protects the fundamental rights of the people and all rights granted by civil and political rights of the convention of the united nations 1966 and civil and economic rights of the people 1966. Besides, the fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution. So this law gave assurance for the rule of law and justice to the common man which is now being denied as such and this is unfortunate. 

The NCHR was created but purposely no rules were framed and budgetary problems were created so that the institution failed. Anyway because of the urge and passion of the civil society it succeeded which the institution faced but yet it succeeded. 

As the NCHR also performed judicial functions therefore the law enjoins that the chairman should be a person who is being a judge. Unfortunately, this requirement is being sabotage.

 Even for the ombudsman to be independent of administration the requirement is of a judge trained judicially and not somebody chosen from bureaucracy whose complaints he has to hear. So we made a mess of the concept of governance and administration. Someone has to take corrective measures.   

Empowered women Empower women

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June 23, 2020

                                              Empowered Women Empower Women Art Print by Kasi Turpin | Society6 ...
Empowerment is the mechanism in which individuals build control over their own lives, culture, and societies. Empowerment to feel entitled to make your own decisions. Empowerment involves action by educating, increasing awareness, literacy, and training to raise women status. The empowerment of women is about equipping and enabling women to make lives- determining decisions through various social problems. The empowerment of women and achievements of gender equality are important to our society in order to ensure the country's environmental sustainability.

Many global leaders and scholars have argued that without gender equality and women's empowerment, sustainable development is impossible. Its development recognize environmental protection, economic and social growth, and without the empowerment of women, women would not feel equally important to the development process as men. The full participation of both men and women is widely believed to be crucial to growth.

Only recognizing the involvement of men will not be beneficial for sustainable development. Empowerment must include more decisions for women to make their own in the context of women development. The country could not be alone without gender equality and empowerment, and cultural change would still not happen. 

Therefore, scholars agree that women's empowerment plays an important role in developments and one of the important contributions to development. Women would not be able to benefit or contribute to the country's development without equal inclusion of women in development.

No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you; we are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 1944

Women must be given equivalent open doors in each field, regardless of sexual orientation. Additionally, they should likewise be given equivalent compensation. We can engage women by nullifying the youngster marriage. Different projects must be held where they can be encouraged aptitude to battle for themselves in the event that they face a monetary emergency.  

Blog By: Fatima Ijaz

سنتھیا رچی۔ پاکستان کا فخر

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June 06, 2020

U.S. freelance producer Ritchie spends Christmas holidays in Sindh ...

سنتھیا رچی۔ پاکستان کا فخر، یہ اس وقت ٹوٹر پر ٹاپ ٹرینڈ چل رہا ہے، اور یہ فخر پاکستان دنیا میں پاکستان کی ریاست کے تشخص کی مٹی پلید کر رہی ہے، مجھے ان پاکستانیوں کی ذھنی حالت پر حیرت، تعجب اور افسوس ہو رہا ہے جو سنتھیا کو فخر پاکستان ثابت کرنے کے لیے سوشل میڈیا پر "جہاد" کرنے میں مصروف ہیں، قبل اس کے کہ میں مزید کوئی بات کروں یہ وضاحت ضروری سمجھتا ہوں کہ میں پیپلز پارٹی کے بدترین ناقدین میں سے ہوں، میں نے زندگی میں ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی جتنی مخالفت کی شاید ہی کسی اور سیاسی شخصیت کی کی ہو گی، اس لیے خدارا مجھے پیپلزپارٹی کا حامی مت سمجھئے گا، میرا جینا مرنا پاکستان کے لیے ہے اور میں یہ سطور اس لئیے لکھ رہا ہوں کہ سنتھیا رچی پیپلزپارٹی کی آڑ میں پاکستان کو بدنام کر رہی ہیں، سنتھیا کی حمایت یا پھر پیپلزپارٹی کی مخالفت میں پاگل ہوئے پاکستانیو دو منٹ کے لئے میری بات  غور سے پڑھ لو، سمجھ آگئی تو ٹھیک ورنہ جو آپ نے کرنا ہے اس پر میرا اختیار نہیں،

ذرا تصور کریں کہ آپ دہلی میں ہیں اور ایک کٹر پاکستان مخالف انتہاپسند ہندو آپ کو طعنہ مارتا ہے کہ آپ پاکستانی تو ایسے ملک کے باشندے ہو جس کا وزیر داخلہ ملک آئی مہمان خواتین کی عصمت دری کرتا ہے، آپ اس کا کیا جواب دیں گے؟ لندن میں کوئی گورا آپ کو کہتا ہے کہ تم پاکستانی ایسی گندی قوم ہو کہ جس کے ایوان صدر میں خواتین کے ساتھ دست درازی کی جاتی ہے تو کیا آپ کو شرمندگی نہیں ہوگی؟ کل نیویارک میں کوئی پاکستانیوں پر آوازہ کستا ہے کہ پاکستانی ایسی گندی قوم ہیں جن کا وزیراعظم ملک میں آئی خواتین کے ساتھ چھیڑ چھاڑ کرتا ہے تو آپ کی کیا حالت ہو گی؟ کیا آپ یہ کہہ کر جان چھڑا لیں گے کہ وہ پیپلز پارٹی کے رہنما تھے؟ کیا دنیا آپ سے یہ پوچھنے میں حق بجانب نہیں ہو گی کہ ایسیے لیڈروں کو ووٹ دینے والی پاکستانی قوم کی اخلاقی حالت کیا ہو گی؟... خدا کے لیے بریک لگا کر سوچیں کہ سنتھیا رچی نے عبدالرحمن ملک، مخدوم شہاب الدین اور یوسف رضا گیلانی پر جو الزامات لگائے ہیں کیا وہ پاکستان کی ریاست کو عالمی سطح پر کٹہرے میں کھرا کرنے کے مترادف نہیں؟ کوئی اکیلی سیاح خاتون کیوں پاکستان آنا چاہے گی جب اسے اس بات کا پتہ چلے گا کہ سیاحوں کو ویزے دینے کا انچارج وزیر غیر ملکی خواتین کی عصمت دری کرتا ہے.. سنتھیا نے  پیپلز پارٹی کی آڑ میں پاکستان کی مٹی پلید کر کے رکھ دی ہے، اس سے پہلے ایک اور امریکی صحافی کرسٹین فیئر یہاں آئی تھی، یہاں فوج کی اعلیٰ ترین قیادت تک اسے رسائی دی گئی، سب سمجھتے رہے کہ وہ بہت اچھی خاتون ہے پاکستان اور افواج پاکستان کا بہت بہتر امیج دنیا کے سامنے پیش کرے گی، کیونکہ اس نے اپنا اعتماد بہتر کرنے کے لیے پاکستان کے حق میں بہت لکھا، اور بعد میں افواج پاکستان کے خلاف کتاب لکھ ماری، سنتھیا رچی نے پہلے پاکستان کی تعریفیں کر کر کے اپنی ایک ساکھ بنائی اور اب دنیا کو پاکستان کی یہ تصویر دکھا رہی ہے کہ پاکستانی حکمران غیر ملکی عورتوں کی عصمت دری کرتے ہیں،

رحمن ملک پر دس سال بعد ریپ کا الزام بیہودگی کی انتہا ہے، سنتھیا رچی سے کوئی پوچھے کہ دس سال کیوں چپ رہی؟ اسے کون سا خطرہ تھا کہ وہ بولی نہیں؟

اور میرے بہت ہی بھولے پکے مسلمان قسم کے پاکستانیو یاد رکھنا اگر سنتھیا کے ریپ کے الزام کو آپ نے آگے پھیلایا تو آپ بہتان کے مرتکب ہوں گے، اپنے ایک مسلمان بھائی کی کردار کشی کے مرتکب قرار پائیں گے، اور یہ بات بھی زھن میں رکھیں کہ سنتھیا رچی جس معاشرے سے تعلق رکھتی ہیں وہاں بیوی کی آمادگی کے بغیر اگر شوہر اس سے ہمبستری کرے تو وہ بھی ریپ کہلاتا ہے، وہاں ایک لڑکی بغیر کسی انکار اور مزاحمت کے کسی کے ساتھ سو لے لیکن بعد میں یہ کہہ دے کہ وہ کسی دباؤ میں تھی یا کسی خوف کا شکار تھی تو یہ بھی ریپ کہلائے گا،..رحمن ملک، یوسف رضا گیلانی یا مخدوم شہاب الدین میں بہت خامیاں ہوں گی مگر وہ مسلمان ہیں اور ہمیں ان کے بارے میں اس طرح کے الزامات کو بغیر پرکھے محض مفروضوں کی بنیاد پر تسلیم کر کے اپنی آخرت نہیں گنوانی چاہیے،

سنتھیا سے کوئی پوچھے کہ وہ کن رازوں کے حصول کے لیے اس وقت کے وزیر داخلہ کی خلوت میں گئی تھی،؟ وہ 
ایوان صدر کس مقصد کے لیے موجود تھی؟

اور اگر پی ٹی آئی والے یا کوئی اور یہ سمجھتا ہے کہ سنتھیا نے صرف پیپلز پارٹی کو بدنام کیا ہے تو یاد رکھیں یہ آپ کی سب سے بڑی بھول ہو گی، کرسٹین فیئر کی طرح یہ بھی سب کے پول کھولے گی، مجھے میرے دوست اختر عباس کا یہ تبصرہ رہ رہ کر یاد آریا ہے کہ عربوں کو. تقسیم کرنے کے لیے لارنس آف عریبیہ جیسا قابل بندہ بھیجا گیا جبکہ ہم پاکستانیوں کو اتنا کم تر سمبھا گیا کہ ہمیں لڑانے کے لیے دو ٹکے کی چھوکری بھیجی گئی، آج جس طرح سنتھیا کی حمایت اور مخالفت میں پاکستانیوں کو آپس میں دست بہ گریبان دیکھتا ہوں تو دل خون کے آنسو روتا ہے... ہم. تماش بین قوم بن چکے ہیں.... ملک کا تماشا بنا کر مزے سے دیکھ رہے ہیں، خدا را پاکستانی بن کر سوچیں اور اس رچی والے فریب سے نکلیں، اس خاتون نے ہمیں لڑا کر چلے جانا ہے لیکن جو لوگ اسے فخر پاکستان بنا کر پیش کر رہے ہیں وہ شرمندگی سے اپنی انگلیاں چبائیں گے، اور ہمیشہ یہ چاہیں گے کہ ان کے اس کارنامے کا علم ان کی اولاد کو نہ ہونے پائے کہ اولاد کیا سوچے گی کہ ہمارے ابا جان ایک گوری کے اشاروں پر ناچتے رہے اور پاکستان کو ریپسٹ سٹیٹ ثابت کرنے میں ایک غیر ملکی کی مدد کرنے رہے

از قلم عبداللہ خان

Playing video games linked to poor eating habits in male college students

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June 02, 2020

Playing video games linked to poor eating habits in male college students

ISLAMABAD, Jun 02 (APP): Male college students who play video games tend to exercise less and have poorer eating habits compared to non-gamers, warn researchers.

Nearly 70 per cent of men included in the study reported playing at least some video games.

"It's important to understand that video games are a risk factor for poor lifestyle habits that may contribute to poor health," said study researcher Dustin Moore from the University of New Hampshire in the US.

For the findings, the research team used information collected from over 1,000 male college students aged between 18 and 24 at the University of New Hampshire as a part of the ongoing College Health and Nutrition Assessment Survey (CHANAS) study.

Students reported daily video game time in an online survey and provided diet information by recording the food they ate over two weekdays and one non-consecutive weekend day, Medical Daily reported .

Physical activity was based on the average steps taken per day as tracked with a pedometer.

The survey revealed that just over 40 per cent of college men play video games at least five hours per week.

The researchers found that those who played video games consumed more saturated fat and sodium than non-users, which suggests they are eating more salty snacks.

Gamers also consumed fewer fruits and vegetables and engaged in less physical activity than non-users.

The researchers did not observe any differences in weight for those who gamed but note that the poor lifestyle habits observed could contribute to excess weight gain and chronic disease later in life.

"If the findings of our study are indicative of general population, increases in video game usage could translate to increases in overweight/obesity and chronic disease in the general population, which is already a big issue," Moore said.

The researchers said that more studies are needed to better understand how various factors, such as video game advertisements or the gaming media used, contributed to the findings.

The findings could help colleges and universities to more effectively educate students who play video games about diet and exercise.

New study finds anti-viral drug remdesivir effective against coronavirus

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May 25, 2020

   Anti-viral drug remdesivir effective against coronavirus, study finds

Study suggests that remdesivir, when injected intravenously daily for 10 days accelerated the recovery of hospitalised COVID-19 patients.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found anti-viral drug remdesivir to cut recovery times in coronavirus patients, showing the medication has "clear-cut" benefits, a private news channel reported on Monday.
Complete results from the research, which was carried out by US government agency the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

The United States authorised the emergency use of remdesivir in hospitals on May 1, followed by Japan, while Europe is considering following suit.

The study found that remdesivir, injected intravenously daily for 10 days, accelerated the recovery of hospitalised COVID-19 patients compared to a placebo in clinical tests on just over a thousand patients across 10 countries.

On April 29, NIAID director Anthony Fauci, who has become the US government´s trusted face on the coronavirus pandemic, said preliminary evidence indicated remdesivir had a "clear-cut, significant and positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery."

The National Institutes of Health, of which the NIAID is a part, said Friday in a statement online that investigators found "remdesivir was most beneficial for hospitalized patients with severe disease who required supplemental oxygen."

But the authors of the trial wrote that the drug did not prevent all deaths.

"Given high mortality despite the use of remdesivir, it is clear that treatment with an anti-viral drug alone is not likely to be sufficient," they said.

About 7.1% of patients given remdesivir in the trial group died within 14 days — compared with 11.9% in the placebo group.

However, the result is just below the statistical reliability threshold, meaning it could be down to chance rather than the capability of the drug.

Source: APP

COVID-19: The Creation of a New World

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May 10, 2020

Recession Risks: Global Spread Of Covid-19 Raises Prospects Of A ...

Among the 10 priorities set by the Chinese president, the Silk Road Economic Belt is eighth and the Maritime Silk Road is ninth. The first is the ruling party and the second is national unity.Third, the expansion of the economy. If things do not get better quickly, the TobelTrood project will not be a priority for long. The position of the Chinese Communist Party has not been more enviable for two years and the turmoil also created problems.Taiwan's election is also a pain in the ass and now the world is in crisis!
It is not that the Belt and Road project has died down. Such an understanding would be tantamount to stupidity. Yes, confusion has increased in this regard. This project is a matter of recognition for China as a world power. It is a manifestation of China's power.
If it had been so, it would not have been part of the constitution of the Chinese Communist Party. China claims that the Belt and Road project will not be much affected. 
Now we are talking about the Health Silk Road. Mask diplomacy is also a hoax.The Chinese leadership estimates that there is suspicion around the world and that it is being spread further, but the Belt and Road project is in jeopardy.    Work on connected sub-projects has also slowed down. Several projects related to the Belt and Road Initiative in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Nepal are moving forward at a slow pace.   

No matter what the Chinese leadership says, the Belt and Road project will have to make a lot of changes now. The plan could change drastically.    A few changes are still necessary due to the circumstances. The Belt and Road project was slightly modified before the outbreak of the Kronaki epidemic. A major problem is that the official definition of the project has not yet been determined.
With regard to the Belt and Road project, China has made bilateral arrangements. Matters have been settled separately with each country. Seven years have passed since the launch of this project but its framework has not been implemented yet. Complaints of disregard for international standards are also common.    

Various controversies have also arisen. The plan has provoked strong reactions in many countries. In April 2019, the Chinese president said in the Second Belt and Road Forum that some issues need to be reconsidered and some changes are not out of the question.
The Belt and Road project was launched in 2013. At that time, China's growth rate was 8%. The cost was later revised to 4 4,000 billion. In 2018, Morgan Stanley estimates that the project will cost a maximum of 13 1.3 trillion by 2027. Two-thirds of China's investment is in the energy sector. 50 50 billion has been spent on transportation. There is currently a shortage of cash in the developing world.    

The Chinese leadership is not in a position to send large sums of money abroad. There are railway projects, highway ton away projects in Montenegro and many other projects that cannot be funded much. 
 Now China has to be very careful.    He will have to go through the selection process again.    You have to decide where and how much to spend. Many projects have to be removed from the list of priorities.
China wants to set up a Global Network of Economic Corridors. Logistics zones are to be set up.    The Suez Canal Economic Zone and the Hambantota Port of Sri Lanka are the clearest examples of this. China is also preparing to set up an industrial city in Oman. 
The Belt and Road project will somehow survive.    For now, China will have to change its priorities. Internal stability is also essential. For China, this project is a great way to express soft power.    

China will now have to show a little bit of aggression even at the military level. The world does not have to accept the revised plan easily. Conflict is possible, conflicts will arise.   

The world's confidence in the United States has waned and Europe cannot be relied on much, but there is a lack of trust in China.    The Corona Crisis has created an atmosphere of caution around the world. The epidemic has terrified people. In such a scenario, it is only natural that the BRI should be affected.    
No one knows that as soon as the world is freed from the grip of the Coronavirus, there will be a different business world from today's world, and it is quite possible that instead of learning from Corona, we will be exposed to a fierce new war and for the first time the world powers get the support of countries, As a result, many countries have had to change their agendas to change their borders, and many new states have emerged on the world map.

Transgender Issues in Pakistan and How They are Treated as Sons of a Lesser God

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Khawaja Sara Society Rejects Transgender Community Statistics ...
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Transgender people are officially known as "third gender" citizens in Pakistan. A group that includes cross-dressers, transsexuals, eunuchs, hermaphrodites, and transitive - face widespread violence, intimidation, and abuse. 

In recent years, the minority group has made significant strides in a profoundly conservative country in Pakistan, where ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities are often the victims of violence and persecution. Yet these benefits have done little to cover up the problematic lives of third-generation citizens.

Many describe themselves as "professional wedding dancers", but supporters say they are often forced to earn a living by begging and prostitution. Often dressed in brightly colored saris and wearing heavy makeup, some people ask for money from people walking the streets, committing extortion, sexual violence, and other crimes.
They often show up uninvited to essential family gatherings, such as weddings and birthdays, until they are paid or given gifts, after which they leave. At such events, transgender people are often seen as a sign of good luck, while the curse of an unwanted transgender person creates fear.

The roots of the mob in the subcontinent go back centuries to the time of the Mughal emperors, who kept transgender people as gatekeepers and guardians of their greed. Some transgender people played essential roles in the courts, wielded influence over state affairs, and acted as trustees for their masters.

But after the collapse of the Mughal Empire in the 19th century and the end of British colonial rule, their status diminished, and their carelessness pushed many to the margins of society.

Pakistan first documented its transgender population in the 2017 census. It estimates that the number is closer to 10,000. According to these counts, transgender people make up 0.005% of the total population. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

The status of this third gender in Pakistan is deficient. They are deprived of their protected rights. People use hesitant language and refer to it as Hijra. Why do we deny the fact that transgender people were mostly personal protectors of the Mughal emperors? 
In Pakistan, the rights of transgender people are severely violated because they are not given due respect in society. Many transgender people become victims of sexual harassment. Neither do the higher authorities take action against them nor can they disclose their own affairs. Recently, a school was opened by an NGO to give Trans children their educational rights, but they are working on a tiny scale.

Transgender people are often discriminated against in their job search and are forced to beg, dance, or act as prostitutes to earn money. Variables are also deprived of the right to health care. In June 2016, Ali Shah, a 23-year-old transgender worker, died as a result of not receiving timely medical treatment. The hospital staff was unable to decide whether to admit him to the male or female ward and let him die in the hospital.

Author: Ayyan Ahmed


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May 09, 2020

Economy of Pakistan - Wikipedia

Many assume that South Asia is a set for the coronavirus and that millions of deaths are likely to have been caused by a poor and unstable region. Maybe it’s okay, and the countries of the region are closing the locks. But there are also reasons to think that Covid-19 could have less of an impact on South Asia than many fears.

South Asia often brings to mind images of large cities with slums, poverty, poor sanitation, and disease. Indeed this means that when the virus is inevitably caught in the region, countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh will suffer much higher mortality rates and economic and social development in developed countries.

Like anywhere else, the media in Pakistan is trying to figure out how to report the spread and effects of Covid-19, which is equally prevalent in the state and society. Due to the environment of free speech and immunity from crimes against journalists, one of the most difficult places on the planet to practice journalism in the pre-epidemic era, the Pakistani media has struggled to fulfill its mandate of guarding the public interest. The new challenges are many. Reporting on COVID-19

Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed confidence that despite the many challenges posed to Pakistan by the spread of the coronavirus, it could emerge as a strong nation and truly become a welfare state as envisioned had gone.

But demographics are also pro-South Asia. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are among the youngest countries in the world, with 5-8% of their population over 60 years of age and 2-3% over 70 years of age. With about 85 to 90 percent of the population over 60, it can pose a threat to a small population.

Second, what could the Covid-19 crisis mean for social order and political stability in Pakistan? The story is that we are not seeing the news of scoring runs on basic things or the equivalent of toilet paper wars that are affecting Australian supermarkets. Although they have very few resources for social welfare, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh may have greater economic resilience than many rich countries. People generally rely less on the state and may have more experience dealing with disasters. Strong social and religious traditions can also provide a valuable resource to help with resilience.

Third, measures taken to reduce the spread of the virus have economic consequences, including food security. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have experienced relatively high economic growth over the years, although it has been slowing down. India's large and relatively shell refugee economy (as evidenced by the withdrawal from the RCEP trade agreement) is likely to help protect it from global shocks, such as in the 2009 global financial crisis. Across the border, Bangladesh, which relies heavily on trade, may be less likely. Pakistan, which recently needed a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, is also very fragile.

Last, there is regional security. The consequences of the Code 19 crisis for security and regional relations are likely to be felt over many years, with many unexpected second and third-order effects. But they could potentially be less negative in South Asia.

Author: Ayyan Ahmed

Increase in Divorce Ratio During the Lockdown in Pakistan

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Divorce breaks down, Shattering Family- Why do relationships break ...

Marriage is a ridiculous institution. It starts with a lot of fanfare, whether it is a product of love or arranged by the family. Some consider early marriages to be the most fulfilling. But many couples start living together and experience negative changes once they get used to each other. Arguments and fights become the order of the day, and husband and wife become unbearable for each other, and they choose to divorce. The hype that began with it accomplishes a silent end.

The divorce rate in Pakistan has been increasing over the past decade, especially during this lockdown. In Lahore alone, more than 100 divorces are registered in family courts in a single day. The divorce rate is increasing not only in the upper class but also in the lower and middle levels. From Feb 2005 to Jan 2008, almost 70,000 divorce cases were registered. From Feb 2008 to May 2011, about 1, 20,000 cases were registered.

There have been approximately 2,59,064 secessions in the provincial metropolis over the past decade. In 2010, 40,410 divorce cases were filed in the city's family courts, and 13,500 divorce cases have been filed so far in 2020.

Experts say social change is the main reason for the rising number of divorces during this Lockdown for COVID-19. Most women are now able to live their life on their own and are now fully aware of their rights. Experts say career-based women are more likely to get divorced than housewives. Experts noted that forced marriages, joint family system, misunderstandings, and lack of trust, financial pressure and differences in social status as other reasons for high divorce rates.

Talking to Pakistan Today, solicitor Zafar Iqbal, who specializes in family law, said the divorce rate has increased since the 2001 amendment to the Muslim Family Court Act. He blamed non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and electronic media for the growing number of divorces.

He said that after amendments in family laws, it has become easier to get a divorce. He said judges hearing divorce cases lack experience and sometimes announce the verdict at the first hearing.

Another lawyer, Javed Abbas Mirza, had said in the past that the word "divorce" was forbidden in Pakistani society, but now people are not ashamed to get a divorce.

Another psychologist, Najib Zaheer, said that Indian and Western cultural aggression was going to aggravate the situation. "Women who watch TV channels sometimes want to buy expensive items at the expense of their marriage." He said that the ego of the husband also plays an important role in the increasing number of divorces. Children of divorced couples live unhealthy lives, so parents should understand that they have a responsibility against their own children.

Parents should also think about their children when making such decisions. Momina, 25, who was separated from her parents as a child, blamed third-party influence for increasing the divorce. He said that instead of interfering in the life of the couple, someone else should resolve the issues.

Story by: Ayyan Ahmed


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May 08, 2020

 How Depression Can Affect Our Senses | The Blurt Foundation

Depression is a mental illness, but it’s not all in our heads, it can also affect us physically – in a number of different ways, including our senses such as sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste.


Researchers have discovered that depression can affect our contrast perception. This means that when we experience depression, we’re not always as able to detect differences in black and white contrasts, so the world seems more grey. The more depressed we are, the more grey the world seems.

Anxiety and stress commonly occur alongside depression. Anxiety can alter our vision. It can cause us to experience visual irregularities such as seeing stars, spots, or shimmers. We might experience tunnel vision, lose some of our peripheral vision, feel as though our vision is dream-like, or struggle to focus. Additionally, any existing eye conditions we have can be worsened due to our anxiety or stress. These symptoms can either come and go or stay around all the time.

When we’re particularly struggling with anxiety or depression we might experience light sensitivity. This means that light levels that are bearable to other people can feel blinding and almost painful to us. When we’re particularly anxious, our body goes into fight-or-flight mode, causing our pupils to dilate. This dilation means that our eyes take in more light, so we become very light-sensitive. Further research around the connection between our mental health and our sensitivity to light is still ongoing.

For those of us who take medication such as anti-depressants, we could experience some side effects affecting our eyes such as blurred vision or dry eyes. If we’re struggling with the side effects of our medication then it’s important that we share our concerns with a medical professional.


There is a correlation between depression and decreased pain tolerance. This means that when we’re living with depression, it’s common to feel more sensitive to pain. We might also find that sometimes our brain interprets psychological pain as physical pain because both emotional and physical pain share some of the same brain areas and neurotransmitters.

As well as a sensitivity to pain, depression can leave us feeling sensitive to touch. This means that we might find things like hugs unpleasant or even painful. Certain textures might put us on edge, so we avoid them. Different types of touch and texture can feel intolerable to us. This can make intimacy difficult and might leave us finding it difficult to relax or wind down.
 Depression is a mental illness, but it’s not all in our heads, it can also affect us physically – in a number of different ways, including our senses such as sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste.


Depression can dull our sense of smell. The part of our brain that is responsible for our sense of smell, our olfactory bulbs, can be smaller in those of us with depression than the same part of the brain in those without depression. The more strongly we experience depression, the smaller our olfactory bulb is likely to be.


Our taste can be dampened by depression. We often don’t taste food as well as those who don’t have depression, which is thought to be caused by the reduction in certain chemicals, such as serotonin and noradrenaline, in our brain.


When we feel low, or emotionally exhausted, many of us experience noise sensitivity. This can cause us to find everyday sounds hard to cope with which can leave us feeling incredibly irritable and anxious. Some of us will struggle with loud noises, others might find specific noises particularly annoying, and some of us might find ordinary sounds quite painful.


Many of us will experience sensory overload. Sensory overload happens when we have more input from our senses than our brains can cope with. Because we’re often more sensitive to sensory stimuli when we have low mood, we’re more likely to feel overwhelmed by the world around us. This can leave us feeling confused, anxious, and sometimes quite distressed.


Once we understand how each of our senses affects us, we can begin to manage them and use them to help us.

If we’re experiencing light sensitivity, we could try lowering the lighting in our house, applying the blue-light filter on our smartphones and computers, and wearing tinted glasses outside. Fluorescent and LED lights can be particularly harsh, so sometimes it’s helpful to use a lamp or desk light rather than the main room lights in our house. We might find colour-changing lamps or lava lamps helpful if we’re someone who finds patterns in the things we see to be calming – sometimes focussing on something can help us to manage any blurred or spotty vision that we might be experiencing.

Thinking about touch, if we find certain textures to be particularly abrasive, then we can try and make our environment as soft as possible. We could put soft blankets on our bed, sofa, or even in our car. If we struggle with the texture of our clothes, then we could add fabric softener to our washes, or we could try wearing a thin cotton top under our clothes so that we have a less abrasive fabric touching our skin. Sometimes being under something heavy can help us to feel calm, so a heavy jumper or weighted blanket can help to lower our anxiety.

Though our sense of smell can be dulled, if there are particular smells that we find helpful then we can make add them to the world around us – for example, we could use aromatherapy oils, or put one or two diffusers around our house.

Because our sense of taste can be blunted, we might want to add a little extra seasoning to our food or choose to eat spicier foods. This can make eating more enjoyable. Sometimes, having a consistent taste can help us to manage our anxiety, so using chewing gum or boiled sweets might help us to feel calmer, particularly in busy or noisy environments.

If we’re finding sound overwhelming, we could use headphones in particularly noisy or busy environments. We might find it helpful to turn down the radio and TV in our house if we’re feeling anxious.

We all react differently to the world around us, and some of us might be sensitive to some of our senses but not others. Some of us might find that we don’t have any sensitivity at all. Tuning into each of our senses to try and understand how they affect us, and how the world around us impacts our mood, can help us to manage them. It can help us to create an environment for ourselves which we find as relaxing as possible.

Posted by : Shaista khushi


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May 07, 2020

The Future of Fake News | Media literacy, Fake news, Digital literacy
Media is considered as the fourth pillar of the state. Media is like a bridge between public and Government. Media is opinion builder.

Media has different tools. Electronic Media, Print media and social media . Now , its era of technology. People have access to media. Everyone has internet connection. We have access to media but we do not know how to use media. It is assuming an alarming proportion in our country.

Electronic and print media are becoming unpopular day by day. Social media is becoming very popular. People spent most of their time on social media, there is variety of content on social media.
Today am going to talk about the media literacy. We should know that how much information is enough for us.

Due to variety of content, reader is unable to choose what is right information and how much in enough. Social media is becoming very strong tool to spread rumours , fake news and promote agenda of any kind. Due to less media literacy social media users share information without crosscheck. It is need of time to educate people about media use.

We have so many examples of mishaps created by social media. Mishal  murder was the result of fake propaganda against Mishal khan, by social media. There are so many rumours on facebook, youtube, whatsapp and other tools of social media.

Media literacy means use of media in positive way but unfortunately in our country media literacy does not exist. Being a responsible citizen of country it is our duty to educate people how to use media. There are some rules which  every social media user should follow;
  • Make yourself good online. It means always share authentic news.
  • Do not share rumours.
  • Do not share any kind of content against any sect.
  • Always use correct grammar and correct sentence structure.
  • Do not stalk people on social media.
  • Do not add unknowns.
  • Do not share content against Government and law enforcing departments
  • Always crosscheck information. 

Nobody can live without social media. We are becoming the patients of social media. There are two phobias which social media creates
  •      FOBO(Fear of Being offline)
  •      FOMO(Fear of Missing out)

Being offline is very painful for every user. People are online even during their work , class and office. Fear of missing out is another fear . When we post anything on social media , we check again and again how many people check our story and status. When someone does not comment on our picture or status we feel some kind of hate and inferiority complex.

It is my request to all users please use social media in positive way because excess of everything is bad. We spent most of our time on social media but we got nothing. Excessive use of gadgets is injurious to our health. Harmful rays are very injurious to eyes. Excessive use of gadgets stuck mind.

Government should also look into this matter very seriously . I suggest that government should include media literacy subject in courses of school , college and universities.

Story by: HafizMudasar Rehman 

PUBG Addiction and its Consequences.

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PUBG Addiction—Game or Threat?

Numerous individuals around the globe are experiencing various kinds of addictions, including illicit drug use, portable fixation, and TV enslavement. Joining the fleeting trend is the most recent PUBG portable game habit and it is ending up being the most noticeably awful. 

PUBG dependent individuals are so appended to the game that they frequently leave their nourishment and significant errands to play the game. This enslavement has additionally brought about sporadic rest design which is a reason for extraordinary uneasiness. Numerous psychological and physical medical problems have been noted in PUBG addictions. 

Individuals with PUBG dependence are at high danger of creating medical problems, for example, ceaseless headache, feeble vision, weight, a sleeping disorder, Alzheimer's, heart issues, sorrow, spondylitis, and schizophrenia. They lose enthusiasm for the vital exercises for a sound life. 

It is very basic to bar get-togethers, significant conferences, and family festivities between PUBG portable game enslavement. They want to play PUBG instead of taking part in any of these exercises. They become furious and vexed on the off chance that another person guides them in any case. They before long become socially latent. 

Youngsters from this dependence are generally influenced. Guardians should assume the liability of recognizing PUBG dependence cautioning signs in their youngsters as their duty. They should enable their youngsters to dispose of it at the earliest opportunity. 

PUBG is a first-individual shooter game. The Android adaptation of the game was discharged in March 2018. It turned into a snappy hit. The game got an extraordinary reaction when it was discharged on Microsoft Windows in December 2017. 

The arrival of its portable adaptation saw many downloads far and wide and enthusiasm for the game expanded. PUBG's rage can be found in individuals with everything being equal. Be that as it may, it is particularly mainstream among youngsters. While the game was propelled with the end goal of amusement, it is a perilous compulsion. 

PUBG versatile game enslavement is demolishing the lives of youth. Here are how it's wrecked with his own and expert life: 

Understudies of PUBG invest the greater part of their energy playing this game. They disregard their investigations. In any event, when they are constrained to concentrate by their folks or educators, they can't think. This is because in light of playing the mind, the action of the cerebrum step by step eases back down and the length of contemplation diminishes. It likewise diminishes the capacity to get things. Research shows that understudies familiar with PUBG are seeing a decrease in their scholarly presentation. 

Like understudies, PUBG versatile game someone who is addicted is additionally squandering their lives. As opposed to concentrating on his vocation, he is associated with PUBG. They can't think past dominating this match. Many working proficient leaves, half days, delays in keeping ventures, miss significant gatherings, and overlook their activity obligations due to PUBG dependence. They likewise delineate amateurish conduct that restrains the development of their vocations. 

Bar portable game habit is additionally squandering individual relations. PUBG addicts invest a large portion of their energy messing around. The time he ought to go through with his loved ones, he escapes from this compulsion. It influences individual connections and causes a ton of stress. 

PUBG Mobile Addiction is along these lines interfering with individuals' close to home just as in proficient life. The issue ought to be paid attention to and before it is past the point of no return.


Ch. Rizwan Afzal is doing masters in mass communication from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad and can be reached at
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