What Is HAPINESS and How Does It Work? - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: What Is HAPINESS and How Does It Work?



What Is HAPINESS and How Does It Work?

What makes you happy?

June 22, 2020

/ by pyro gyro
What Is HAPINESS and How Does It Work?

What makes you happy? 

Do you think your desires doesn't align with what is expected of them 

Stop expecting for the worst!

The thing with happiness is different for different people but I think it's subjective. Once you realized that little things is what matters then every day becomes a living bliss for you 
Yes! For example, having a good meal, not everybody will appreciate that but if you learn to live with that then you will say Wow it's happiness. The same goes for reading a good book or watching a good movie.

Yes, the little things matter, not the million dollars in bank account can give it to you. Its something that brings a smile when you help someone and see them doing great in life. It enriches your soul. It brings your inner beauty to the surface. You will be more productive in life, you will feel good about yourself.

When you are faced with something beautiful and your loved ones are by your side, that's happiness. When you watch a beautiful scenery that freshens up your soul, that's happiness.

You don't have to be rich or have a particular brand of luxuries to be happy Happiness comes from within through appreciating simple joys that life brings to you.

Sometimes we are sabotaging our own happiness by thinking negatively about ourselves or thinking the worst possible outcome. It is one of the rules of nature that whatever you think, you manifest the exact same outcome. So if you already thought about the worst possible outcome of anything, you are going to manifest it.

That's why it is necessary to think of best-case scenarios.
Life is a constant upheaval battle where there are days when you are exploding with joy and there will be days when you are faced with difficulties and dissatisfaction. Now here comes the challenge that how you are going to get through bad times. 

There are people, even if they are going through rough times, they cope it very well but how? It's simple by indulging in simple things that bring real bliss and that bliss will motivate you to go through even the worst.

Another thing is we as human beings have our own shortcomings and we never fail to compare our lives, with others. Please !' don't do that, it will only add misery to your bliss 

Do you know why crows are happier than the swans because swans are caged in for the amusement of humans while crows freely roam around simply living their lives?

Blog By: Amnah Khan

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