Understand Vulnerability. Before You Regret. - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Understand Vulnerability. Before You Regret.



Understand Vulnerability. Before You Regret.

It's very rare and precious to experience someone crying or showing their emotional side in front of the people they know barely. So I got the chance to experience something like that before the pandemic.

June 22, 2020

/ by pyro gyro
Understand Vulnerability. Before You Regret.

It's very rare and precious to experience someone crying or showing their emotional side in front of the people they know barely. So I got the chance to experience something like that before the pandemic.

The girl started crying the moment she heard an emotional sad song but is it due to the sad song?

According to a few, it is due to someone said something hurtful to her and according to others, it was due to the sad song she heard. The girl claimed it is because of the headache and  so she wants the guy to stop singing 

All the acquaintances gathered around her consoling her but only one person knew deep down that's not the case. That person knew that she was crying because she was left alone, she was crying because all the others were in the group of 3 or 4 happily sharing stories but she didn't want anyone to know and somehow the song  triggered her and compelled her to cry 

The person who knew wanted to console her but that person was also the embodiment of stay strong motive I pondered on the reason why she went through this. A lot of times we are so immersed in focusing on ourselves that we forget what's going on with the people in our surroundings. At least she had the courage to show that side of hers, that would have definitely made her feel better than a lot of people really care 

Almighty has made this system in humans that without sharing what's going on with us with our families, friends, acquaintances, we can't survive and fall into depression. Sharing lessens the burden of thoughts that's going inside our mind. Some people like to suffer in silence but some have the courage to show the vulnerability.

Blog By: Amna Khan 

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