The first female Prime Minister of the Islamic world - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: The first female Prime Minister of the Islamic world



The first female Prime Minister of the Islamic world

Some days and months are of prime importance in the history of a particular uqay survey is a memorable day on June 21, 1953,
The first female Prime Minister of the Islamic world

Some days and months are of fundamental importance in history due to a special event. One such memorable day is June 21, 1953, when Benazir Bhutto opened her eyes at the house of former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Benazir remained in every field of K. You were very intelligent.

She received her early education in Karachi and Murree and after completing O-level at the age of 15 she went to Harvard University in the United States for higher studies. In December 1976, she was elected President of the Oxford University Historiography Association. This honor has never been held by an Asian student before.

Her father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto used to accompany him on his foreign trips and include him in high-level meetings. She was also with her father on the occasion of the historic Shimla Agreement. After the overthrow of Zia-ul-Haq's martial law and his father's government on July 5, 1977, Benazir Bhutto followed her father's footsteps and entered practical politics. She was appointed chairperson of the party and launched the movement for restoration of democracy from the platform of MRD. 

This period was full of severe trials. He also had to endure the hardships of detention and deportation. When he returned home after deportation on April 10, 1986, there was a sea of ​​people on the streets of Lahore to greet him. In 1988, he was sworn in as the first Prime Minister of the Islamic world and the youngest Prime Minister of the world. In law, they were once again forced to live in exile

On her return in 2007, she was received in Karachi and at the same time she was attacked for the first time in which she narrowly escaped but hundreds of workers were martyred. 

Death followed him and on December 27, 2007 Liaquat Ali Khan's martyrdom site was stained with his blood. The news of your martyrdom broke the wrath of the country and for three days there were fires and sighs everywhere, every house was mourning.

She was a very fearless and brave woman. She always fought for the backward classes, her sacrifices strengthened democracy. Even her opponents could not point a finger at her ability and leadership skills. You have taken many steps for the welfare of women during your tenure. The Women's Ministry, First Women's Bank and Women's Police Station are clear examples of this. You have always been a role model for women in terms of determination and bravery. 

Writing By: Ghazala Yasmeen Swati

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