PARENTS – The Most Precious Blessing of ALLAH on Earth - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: PARENTS – The Most Precious Blessing of ALLAH on Earth



PARENTS – The Most Precious Blessing of ALLAH on Earth

Allah, The Almighty, has made our parents the cause of our existence and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a sound upbringing. However, when we grow up,

June 21, 2020

/ by pyro gyro
 PARENTS – The Most Precious Blessing of ALLAH on Earth

Allah, The Almighty, has made our parents the cause of our existence and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a sound upbringing. However, when we grow up, we tend to forget the period of our infancy and childhood and disregard their efforts. What ingratitude can be worse than this?

The very least we can do for our parents is to show goodness and kind treatment towards them while they are alive, and supplicate for them, offer charity and other righteous deeds on their behalf after their death.

Parents are like a pillar and the biggest support system of our lives. They are a gift of God to us that we should always preserve and appreciate.

They have immense importance not only in our personal lives but also in our professional lives. Other than financial support, they provide us with all the amenities and pleasures that we need and desire.

They are like a blessing for us as whatever might be the situation, we will always find them beside us, supporting us in the oddest situations of our lives.

Therefore, it is our duty to respect and look after them and be a support for them as well. We should realise our responsibilities and maintain a healthy relationship with them.
Everyone should be thankful to God, you are lucky to call, beautiful word ‘dad’ and ‘mom’, which many orphans are unlucky about, and are longing for. They didn’t get the love of parents, which you are enjoying. ‘Parents are the greatest gift of God’ to man. Parents are in the heart of every child, feel it. Whether you are a great successful man like president of a nation, doctor or engineer, you are still a kid, in the eyes of your parents.

Love to parents: “Love your parents, as they loved you in your childhood”. If a thorn pricked you, it used to prick them in the heart. If you were sick, they were all the time worried and caring for you. Imagine you are mother/father and think what you would expect from your child, and in the same way treat your parents. Every pain of you was, and is related to their heart. You may be busy in your work, wherever you are, whether you are in America, whether you are in Africa, don’t forget your parents, who are in your heart.

Hopes of parents: Parents want the children to be successful in life, which is the main aim of their life. Hence, do a job which makes them happy and proud of you. Give time for your parents; take them outside for a ride or a hotel on weekends. Let they be freed, from there routine work at office/home.

Blessings of parents: Don’t hurt them, obey them every time. Never let them down anytime because of you. Make them happy with great achievements in life; these things can help you to take their blessings, which is the real asset of your life. 

The key to success is parent’s blessings. You will not achieve anything if you run with the world, without ‘parent’s blessings’.

Importance of parents: The importance of parents in life is depending on our sanskaras and thinking. Parents play the biggest role in our development. Father & Mother plays an important role in our mental, physical, social, financial and career development. They help us in every step of our life. Parents are the most precious gift of God for humans. When we are happy then they are happy. They slapped on us when we did wrong. In a time of mistakes, they are like a teacher. They trained us very hard style for future challenges.Parents are living for us. They are real God and our first teacher. They know everything about us. What we like, love and our common habits. They know what things disturb us and what kind of mental attitude we have. That’s why I think why is parents’ involvement important in a child’s education and early childhood development.Because when we give our children the freedom to choose any offline or online education platform and stream, it will make them happy. Parenting a child is not easy. There are great positive effects of parental involvement in education. And I think understanding kids’ freedom, interest, happiness, and passion will impact on their study and career.  

Remember one thing in your life 

BLOG BY: Rimsha Zulfiqar 

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