Kashmir Lost Another Brave Son By Hands of Indian Occupational Forces - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Kashmir Lost Another Brave Son By Hands of Indian Occupational Forces



Kashmir Lost Another Brave Son By Hands of Indian Occupational Forces

kashmir, kashmir bleeds, kashmir wants freedom

Today in indian occupied Kashmir, indian security forces martyred a rebel Sajad dar, who comes from the  highly educated family which has always supported the freedom movement. 

Way back in mid 90’s. Sajad’s father was martyred by indian security forces during and interrogation. He was tortured in custody due to which he lost his life. 
In 2012, 6 rebels were trapped in his house. Indian security forces used IED’s and motor shells to destroy the two houses belonging to Sajad dar and his uncle. The gunfight between rebels and indian occupational forces continued for 3 days in which 6 rebels were killed. Indian security forces also lost 11 of its personnel. To avenge the killings of their colleagues, the indian forces cut and destroyed the apple orchids belonging to Sajad and his uncle. 

Indian security forces continued to harass him and his family. Sajad’s elder brother is languishing in jail from last 5 years.  After facing lot of torture and interrogation from the hands of indian brutal forces, Sajad along with his cousin ishfaq dar joined rebel ranks. 

Ishfaq dar was martyred by indian occupational forces last year and today Sajad dar laid his life for the noble cause.


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