Indian Brutalities Continues in Kashmir - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Indian Brutalities Continues in Kashmir



Indian Brutalities Continues in Kashmir

kashmir, kashmir bleeds, kashmir want freedom

The brutalities of Indian forces are at its peak after the enforcement of new domicile law in Indian Occupied Kashmir by Indian Government . Indian Occupational forces burnt residential house of a freedom fighter in Indian Occupied Kashmir by spraying gasoline and setting light to burn it down. This barbaric act is a breach of International Humanitarian Law.
Under Article 53 of IV Geneva Convention destruction of real or personal property belonging to private persons by the occupying power is prohibited. India is a party to fourth Geneva Conventions hence it is obliged to take legal and practical measures at ensuring full compliance with International Humanitarian Law.

But India is breaching all four Geneva conventions hence committing war crimes in the occupied territory. India cannot absolve itself of any liability incurred in respect of breach of Geneva Convention being a high contracting party to Geneva Convention's under Article 148 of GC IV.

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