Living a Digital Life - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Living a Digital Life



Living a Digital Life

 The Digital Lifestyle

We are, without a doubt, living a Digital Life in 2021. This generation uses a wide range of devices on a daily basis. In a nutshell, we may state that "we have the flexibility to function from anywhere in the globe, as long as there is an Internet connection."

The Digital Revolution

The digital revolution has changed the way we shop, work, entertain, and. We, as humans, have formed such a link with technology that now it seems impossible to break free. We all adore technology because it has made our lives simpler and easier.

Examples of Digital Media 

Audio | Video | Digital Art | Ebooks | Blogs 


Pros and Cons of Living a Digital Life 

Pros - The Advantages of Living a Digital Life

  •            Instant Connectivity
  •            Freedom
  •            Education Benefits
  •            Entertainment
  •            Opportunities
Cons - The Disadvantages of Living a Digital Life

  •            Reliability
  •            Manipulation
  •            Hackers
  •            Plagiarism
John Dewey once said, “Education is not preparation for life but education is life itself."

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