27th October the black day for Kashmir. - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: 27th October the black day for Kashmir.



27th October the black day for Kashmir.

27th October is observed as the black day in the history of the Kashmir struggle.

27th October is observed as the black day in the history of the Kashmir struggle. On this day Indian forces sponsored by Mountbatten and Nehru and constituting soldiers from maharaja of Patiala and Bakanir and as well of Kapoorthala joined the Dogra regime to crush the uprising of the locals of Kashmir against India. Shortly before this, there was the Jammu massacre in which there was a similar involvement leading to the killing of lacs of Muslims of Jammu.

Kashmir is the world largest militarized zone in the world with more than 800000 troops.The CIA factbook reveals that the people Army ratio is for every 5 individuals one army person is present. 27 October 2020 marks the 73rd year of military occupation in Indian occupied JK which is the longest in modern history. Since 1989 more than 96 thousand Kashmiris have been killed by the occupying army, 8000 have been subjected to enforced disappearance; there are 6000 unidentified mass graves in Kashmir. The occupying army use banned lethal weapons like pellet and PAVA grenades, Occupying force also use banned chemical to mutilate the dead bodies and destroy civilian property. India has criminalized dissent in Kashmir. The ban on media and free press speak volumes. The arbitrary detention under UAPA,PSA has crossed all the limits despite amnesty calling PSA a lawless law India has detained more than 15 thousand Kashmiri's since 05 August 2020. The impunity enjoyed by the army under AFSPA (armed forces special power act) has jeopardized the legal system, army use rape as a weapon of war, killed innocent under custody, and rampant use of torture.

The dispute of Kashmir is a source of international armed conflict and the Indian Army perpetrating war crimes, crime against humanity which needs to be adjudicated seriously before the world judicial forums.

The uprising and revolt against the Indian occupation is remarkable as well as the patience with which the people of Kashmir had gone through the ordeal. I congratulate them for their courage and steadfastness in encountering the evil military Indian machine.

I would be candid in saying that the Pakistan army took the brunt. Every day there are killings at the LOC. Three wars were fought. The conclusion is that we have to discover other dimensions for breaking the existing inertia, keeping the issue alive until the fulfillment of the Indian undertakings as reflected in UN resolutions.

We need a strong political will translated into action by a skillful approach for this purpose. I am sorry to say that for years the committee on Kashmir remained indolent. I also would attribute indolence to the government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Who should have been proactive throughout the 73 years. The leadership emerging from Azad J&K has only involved themselves in self-praise, rhetoric and aggrandizement. Leading luxurious life unbecoming of people in protest asking for their rights. This is has been disappointing.

The truth is that because of a design and conspiracy of Nehru and Mountbatten the maharaja of Patiala and Bakanir had already sent troops before the arrival of Afridis and Pathans from FATA went to encounter them and were able to capture the territory now liberated. India went to the UN on false grounds and remains unsuccessful. However, it kept the issue in abeyance till this date. However, the issue is now once more internationalized because of carnage, the annexation against the constitutional guarantee under section 370 and 35 of the constitution of India. The tricks taught by chanakya, the philosophy of Hindutva and the Kashmiri political scientist who wrote Raj karni. The present stage is also the result of the betrayal on the part of people like sheikh Abdullah.

The LEGAL FORUM FOR OPPRESSED VOICES OF KASHMIR is finding legal means of bringing the issue to the notice of the United Nations. We hope that this dedicated group of indigenous Kashmiris and their friends in Pakistan will successfully push the issue forward and obtain a legal decision not only against the carnage but also for action against the Indian war machine who is committing war crimes against the innocent people of Kashmir. Soon you will hear the steps we envisaged for the legalistic answer.

In the end I refer to the sayings of Iqbal

Jis khaak ke manzar ke zamir mein ho aatish-e-Chinar

Mumkin nahin ke sard ho who khaak-e-arjumand


(The dust that has in its conscience

The fire of Chinar tree

That dust, celestial dust

Will never become old.)

Justice Ali Nawaz Chowhan

Hon. Chairman LFOVK

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