Shri Krishna Temple in Islamabad - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Shri Krishna Temple in Islamabad



Shri Krishna Temple in Islamabad

Blog By: Rimshah Zulfiqar

July 10, 2020

/ by pyro gyro
Shri Krishna Temple in Islamabad
Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved a grant of Rs100 million for the construction of the first Hindu temple in the capital. The request for the grant of the amount was made to the prime minister by Minister for Religious Affairs Pir Noorul Haq Qadri during a meeting with the prime minister. The meeting was also attended by a delegation of MNAs belonging to religious minorities including Lal Chand Malhi, Dr Ramesh Vankwani, Jai Prakash Ukrani, Shunila Ruth and James Thomas. The delegation discussed the issues faced by religious minorities and lauded the efforts of civil and armed forces in crushing the terrorist networks across the country who had been targeting people of other faiths as part of their extremist agenda. The delegation sought the support of the government for the construction of first temple in the capital. The prime minister gave verbal approval
Meanwhile, Lal Chand Malhi said the Hindu population in Islamabad had reached to around 3,000, which included government employees, private sector employees, members of the business community and a large number of doctors. Hindu Panchayat Islamabad will manage the Shri Krishna Mandir. The Panchayat’s president, Mahesh Chaudhry, said a large number of people from various parts of the country, including Balochistan and Sindh, had shifted to Islamabad, mainly due to insecurity in those areas.
“Now when we have families here, there is a need for a crematorium, a place for collective prayers and marriage ceremonies,” Mr. Chaudhry said, adding that “Currently, we hold Holi and Diwali functions in government’s community halls or marquee.”Though there will be a place for Hindus to exercise their rituals in the near future, to solemnize marriage is legally not possible in Islamabad as there are no officially notified rules and regulations regarding Hindu Marriage Law 2017, even three years after the law was enacted.
The Capital Development Authority (CDA) on Friday stopped construction of the boundary wall on the plot meant for the temple citing legal reasons, while the prime minister will direct the religious affairs ministry to forward the summary regarding allocation of grant for the worship place to the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) for advice. On the other hand, the religious affairs ministry clarified its position, stating that it only helped renovate places of worship belonging to religious minorities and did not build new ones. This message was circulated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs on social media groups, including twitter.On Friday, a joint team of the CDA’s enforcement and building control departments reached the site of the temple in H-9/2 and directed workers to stop constructing the boundary wall.

Extremists up against temple:

The news of the first-ever Hindu temple in Islamabad gave Pakistan’s image a boost internationally and the step was widely hailed.However, the government’s move to promote interfaith harmony didn’t go well with forces of hatred and the divisive elements in Pakistani society. Surprisingly, some politicians also opposed the idea of construction of the temple, forcing the government to reconsider its decision.

Pakistanis react on this decisions: 

Here I took some point of view on temple building in Islamabad

  • As quoted by founding father of Pakistan, The great Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah: “You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.”He always talked about minority rights and raised voice for protection of minority rights due to which being a citizen of Pakistan its our duty also to provide minorities with everything they deserve. Considering the human rights violation by India in Indian occupied Kashmir, act of building Mandir for Hindu minorities would strengthen our case for protection of minority rights and promote soft image of Pakistan throughout the world. Especially it would give Pakistan an upper edge in United Nations for forcing Modi to stop human rights violations in Kashmir
  • Build a temple in the capital city of Pakistan! Big Noooooo. How can we support this decision? It's the Islamic Republic of Pakistan it's meaning is لاالہ الااللہ. Those so-called Hindus are continuously killing our Muslim brother's sisters and children and we r constructing a temple for them Wow this is so my opinion, in that place, we should build a mosque for Muslims not a temple for Hindus.
  • UAE also built a big temple.
  • UAE also Islamic countries. All religious groups worship GOD in different ways.
  • If India has mosques in its each city then temple in Islamabad doesn’t matter! To get the respect of your religion, we should also give respect of their religion by not obeying their religion but by showing them the good gesture! 
  • I don’t think we Muslims should have issues on building a mandir. Because we have minorities here in Pakistan. And Quaid has granted equal rights to both the minorities and majorities. But Islamabad is a city of Muslim majority so there’s no point of making mandir here.
  • Although with respect to Islam, in a Muslim state, old temples are fine but new temples cannot be created as Pakistan is a Islamic Republic.
  • But if Pakistan is really a Islamic Republic, then there are alot of things that should be eradicated from Pakistan.
Pakistani also against this decision because Babri Masjid verdict:
FEW events in the history of modern India have been as polarising as the 1992 destruction of the Babri Masjid in the Hindu holy city of Ayodhya.In an episode of unabashed ugliness, a frenzied mob of thousands of Hindu extremists including some of the leading lights of the BJP, which now rules India — stormed the 16th-century mosque and reduced it to rubble, guided by the belief that the spot where the masjid was built was Ram Janmabhoomi, the place where Hindus believe the deity was born. Communal riots followed the desecration of the mosque in many parts of India, while the demolition was condemned by major Muslim states.This event has poisoned Hindu-Muslim relations in India since, and has served as a battle cry for the Hindu hard right, that has now captured state power in New Delhi.
Pakistan has condemned the commencement of a temple's construction at the Babri Mosque site in India, according to a statement issued Wednesday by the Foreign Office.In its statement, the FO said the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh nexus of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was using the world's distraction by the coronavirus pandemic to engage in "unabashedly advancing the 'Hindutva' agenda"."The commencement of construction of a Mandir at the site of the historic Babri Masjid in Ayodhya on 26 May 2020 is another step in this direction and the Government and people of Pakistan condemn it in the strongest terms," read the statement."The commencement of the Mandir’s construction is a sequel to the controversial decision given by the Indian Supreme Court on 9 November 2019, which completely failed to uphold the demands of justice," it added.The FO said the verdict on Babri Mosque by India's top court "shredded the veneer of so-called ‘secularism’ of India by making clear that the minorities are not safe in India and that they have to fear for their lives, beliefs and places of worship"."The developments relating to the Babri Masjid, the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), initiation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) process, and the targeted killings of Muslims in Delhi in February 2020 are vivid illustrations of how Muslims in India are being marginalised, dispossessed, demonised and subjected to senseless violence," it added.The FO, in its statement, underscored that "the frequent mob lynchings by cow vigilantes and sinister schemes like ‘ghar wapsi’, ‘love jihad’ and ‘Corona jihad’ are part of this mindset". It said that India is turning into a "Hindu Rashtra" as evidenced by this "right-wing 'Hindutva' agenda, which appears to have permeated the state institutions as well". "As Pakistan has been sensitising the world community, today’s India under the RSS-BJP sway is driven by the toxic mix of an extremist ideology and hegemonic ambitions. The result is a growing threat to the safety and well-being of minorities in India and to peace and security in the region and beyond," the press release read."The rising tide of religious bigotry in India is well-documented by international human rights organizations, regularly highlighted by the international media, and raised in a number of world Parliaments," it added,According to the statement, Pakistan has called upon the international community to "hold India to account for the continuous violations of human rights of minorities and urge the Indian government to take immediate steps to ensure that the rights of all minorities are fully protected and promoted as per India’s obligations under international instruments to which it is a party".

This Is How Muslim Expressing Their Thoughts On Twitter For Building Of Hindu Temple In Islamabad:
·  In India Hindus are destroying Masjids, Babri Masjid Shaheed in front of us
  • We are making temple in Islamabad
  • Wow,how cool is that#MandirNahiBanega
  • The temple will not be built. It is a matter of shame that we forbid our lawful money for only a few minority slaves for muslims. There are temples ahead of Pakistan and worship themselves. It is the decision of our scholars.

  • · Shri Krishna temple which was about to be constructed, is demolished by local Teenage, in Islamabad.
  •    If building a temple brings insecurity among our Muslims brthrs Faiths, we respect their faith and would want to build a temple after their faith gets stronger. #MandirTauBanega

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