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Lok Virsa, Colors of pakistani Culture

Blog By: Fatima Ejaz

 Heritage Museum – Lok Virsa
There are hundreds of countries in the world and thousands of nations live in these countries. Each nation and each region has its own customs and traditions.  Their festivals, ceremonies, rituals, lifestyles, and crafts are very different from each other. This diversity of cultures and civilizations has shaped the world. 

There is such an attraction in folk traditions, customs and crafts that the people of the area themselves may not find them so attractive and attractive, or so it should be said that this culture is a part of their daily life.  

It may be that they themselves do not realize its beauty, but for strangers these folk traditions, customs and lifestyles are a source of great surprise and interest.  It is universally acknowledged that the preservation and promotion of traditional civilization, folk art and folk heritage helps in highlighting the identity of any nation.  As with They are like two wheels of a car, which are very important to keep in tune with each other. 

In Pakistan too, we see different styles of culture scattered like the colors of dhank. Whether it is the snow-capped areas of the north, remote areas of Baluchistan, the settlements in the embrace of the remote Rocky Mountains, the villages of Sindh or the fields and orchards of the Punjab, each region and each region has its own glorious traditions.  There are such artisans in these remote and remote settlements that the handicrafts created by their hands are second to none.  

The artists who create these patterns of painting and embroidery, weaving, and carving are scattered all over Pakistan. It is a situation all over the world that the true color of folk culture is seen in villages and towns. The hustle and bustle of urban sprawl and the lure of industrial and material development obscure the very essence of culture and customs as cities expand and rural areas shrink.  

Heritage Museum – Lok Virsa
The diversity of our customs and culture is also becoming limited. Realizing this situation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) plans to promote and preserve the folk culture and heritage around the world.  In order to preserve the cultural heritage of Pakistan, to make it known to the world and to promote this folk heritage, an institution was set up in 1974 at the behest of UNESCO, called the Institute of Folk Heritage.  

The idea behind the establishment of this institution was that our cultural heritage is, in fact, the door to our traditions that truly identifies us. This National Institution of Folk Heritage is administratively based in Islamabad and its head office and museum are located in the beautiful and spacious location of Shakarparian in Islamabad, but its scope is spread all over Pakistan. 

Researchers from this institute go to every village, hamlet, village, and population of Pakistan and get information from the elders and ancient inhabitants there and then film, video and audio cassettes on the folk tales, traditions, Preserve customs, games, spectacles, and songs. Collects details about their crafts and the artists who created them.  

They also collect samples of the handicrafts, which are on public display at the Folk Heritage Museum in Islamabad. Folk Heritage researchers travel from village to village to learn about local traditions, culture, and customs.  

The information I collect is also compiled in book form and then published in different languages ​​so that the details about the folk heritage and the background of this cultural heritage is preserved forever and for the future.  

Historians and intellectuals can benefit from this cultural repository. The Folk Heritage Museum is a living history of our cultural heritage, with collections of regional handicrafts, games played in villages and towns in different parts of Pakistan, traditional children's toys, photographs of folk musicians and singers.  

Folk Heritage has computerized all the craftsmen of Pakistan, details of their crafts, and all their technical steps so that researchers can use them. The second major branch of the Folk Heritage Foundation is the Folk Heritage Publishing House. In addition to publishing books on various aspects of Pakistan's culture, the publishing house publishes picture cards, video and audio cassettes, and a lot of material about Pakistan's culture in book form. 

The publishing house publishes cultural reviews for general readers, students, intellectuals and researchers.  To prepare for these studies, folklore researchers spend several months in the areas where the book is intended to be written. Collecting information about oral traditions, folk songs, folk tales, customs, arts, mystics, and festivals, etc. of these areas, they are published in book form with historical references. Along with these cultural studies, folk songs sung at weddings, fairs, festivals, harvests, and happy occasions are recorded on audio and video cassettes and published in book form. Gathering an invaluable treasure of our glorious traditions and culture.

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