UN accuses Asian nations of censorship during pandemic - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: UN accuses Asian nations of censorship during pandemic



UN accuses Asian nations of censorship during pandemic

The United Nations rights chief Michelle Bachelet warned Wednesday that China and other Asian countries were using the coronavirus crisis as an excuse to clamp down on free expression and tighten censorship.
UN accuses Asian nations of censorship during pandemic

Geneva, June 3 (AFP/APP): The United Nations rights chief Michelle Bachelet warned Wednesday that China and other Asian countries were using the coronavirus crisis as an excuse to clamp down on free expression and tighten censorship.
The UN rights office said it had received information on "more than a dozen cases of medical professionals, academics and ordinary citizens who appear to have been detained, and in some instances charged, for publishing their views or other information on the situation related to COVID-19," or for being critical of the government's response to the crisis.

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