Pregnant elephant's death in India triggers 'hate campaign' - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Pregnant elephant's death in India triggers 'hate campaign'



Pregnant elephant's death in India triggers 'hate campaign'

An elephant's death in the southern Indian state of Kerala has erupted into a political controversy, with the state's chief minister flagging a "hate campaign" over the incident by the Hindu right-wing forces.
Pregnant elephant's death in India triggers 'hate campaign'
An elephant's death in the southern Indian state of Kerala has erupted into a political controversy, with the state's chief minister flagging a "hate campaign" over the incident by the Hindu right-wing forces.
The wild elephant, aged about 15, allegedly ate a pineapple filled with firecrackers that exploded in its mouth, leaving it in searing pain as it walked around the village for days, according to media reports.

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