'Hypocrites': Bollywood actors slammed over George Floyd stand - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: 'Hypocrites': Bollywood actors slammed over George Floyd stand



'Hypocrites': Bollywood actors slammed over George Floyd stand

Several Bollywood stars have been labeled "hypocrites" after speaking out against racism to lend support to global protests while promoting products in India designed to make people's skin lighter.
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Several Bollywood stars have been labeled "hypocrites" after speaking out against racism to lend support to global protests while promoting products in India designed to make people's skin lighter.
The actors were also trolled and accused of "cowardice" for their refusal to call out the attacks on India's minorities, mainly Muslims, while protesting against the killing of George Floyd in the United States.
A series of A-list Bollywood actresses, including Priyanka Chopra, shared posts on social media to protest against the death of Floyd who died in police custody after a white officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

"End this race war here in the US, and around the world. Wherever you live, whatever your circumstances, NO ONE deserves to die, especially at the hands of another because of their skin color," Chopra, 37, posted on Instagram.

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