How to find yourself in this crazy world and discover who you are!!! - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: How to find yourself in this crazy world and discover who you are!!!



How to find yourself in this crazy world and discover who you are!!!

Fair to say you’re reading this article cocooned in your home under lockdown or self-isolation. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be hibernating in seclusion for a while. But social isolation doesn’t have to be all bad.
How to find yourself in this crazy world and discover who you are!!!

Fair to say you’re reading this article cocooned in your home under lockdown or self-isolation. Unfortunately, it looks like we will be hibernating in seclusion for a while. But social isolation doesn’t have to be all bad.

When you think about it, it’s an incredible opportunity to learn more about ourselves.

Because when we remove ourselves from the social context of our lives, we are better able to see how we’re shaped by that context.

It might take a little bit of work before we turn social isolation into a pleasant experience, but it once does it becomes maybe the most important relationship anybody ever has, the relationship you have with yourself.

We all struggle to know ourselves in a profound way; some more than others.

But with some simple steps and the development of good reflective habits, you can come to know yourself in a meaningful way that helps you get the most out of your life.
If you are struggling to find your way, it might time to sit down and start making sense of your life as it was, as it is, and as it will be.

Here is a guide to help you find out who you really are in the world.

On your path to discovering who you really are in the world, it will be important that you take time to identify and celebrate what makes you, you.

What makes you different from everyone else on the planet?
It’s hard to tell sometimes, especially because we are often so critical of ourselves in comparison to other people. But rather than feeling weighed down by your differences, celebrate them and put them front and centre in your exploration of yourself.

If you allow yourself to be happy about who you are, you’ll find that you are much happier in all areas of your life. A practical exercise to find out what your unique characteristics are is to list down 10 traits about yourself that you’re proud of. This could be your kindness, your loyalty, or the fact that you’re skilled at knitting!
Keep in mind:

Before you can do any kind of work on your future self you need to reconcile who you are right now.
It’s easy to discount the good things you think about yourself and let the negative thoughts take over.But understanding what your positive traits are and what makes you unique will help you banish the negativity and accept yourself.

And if you’re going to find yourself, you need to accept who you are right now.Change, whatever that might look like for you, is really going to come from a place of understanding and love.

Here’s a beautiful passage from Master Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh on the power of self-acceptance

"To  be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don’t try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself.

Instead of keep on doing likewise old things and hope to discover new things about yourself, set yourself up for revelation accomplishment by attempting to carry on with your life in new and purposeful manners. Be available when individuals converse with you. Be interested about what is around you. Ask yourself inquiries regarding for what reason you are how you are and be fit to be gone up against by answers you probably won't care for.

It's all a piece of the developing procedure to assist you with discovering who you truly are.

When you go up against things you don't care for about yourself, it is simpler to bring up the things you do like and spotlight on making them part of your better approaches for being. What's more, at long last, completely grasping your shortcomings is the best way to improve them. Furthermore, speaking the truth about what they are will permit you to change your life, which will make open doors for development. For me, I use to consistently evade the persevering uneasiness that existed inside me. But maintaining a strategic distance from and battling against what's going on inside me just exacerbated. It's just when I figured out how to rehearse acknowledgment that I had the option to see a type of positive development. With regards to finding your way on the planet and knowing who you truly are, you'll have to make sense of what truly causes you to feel alive. Put yourself before things that cause you to feel great as regularly as could reasonably be expected and center around the great rather than the awful.

There is room for the good and the bad in our lives, and there will be time to explore the things that make you feel less-than-ideal. But when you are trying to find your best life, the good is what gets your attention. Making sense of who you really are is about being okay with the bad but lifting up the good.

Ask yourself:
What makes you truly happy?
At what moments do you feel most alive?
When you discover what ignites your soul and makes you happy, you can engineer your life to produce those moments more often.

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