Barriers to Girls Education - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Barriers to Girls Education



Barriers to Girls Education

Do you think education is important for the development of a nation? Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Give me an educated mother, I shall promise the birth of a civilized nation.” Education has a key role in the development of a country. Pakistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. In 2015 at Oslo Summit On Education And Development, Pakistan was described as ‘Among the world’s worst-performing countries in education’.

Barriers to Girls Education

Do you think education is important for the development of a nation? Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Give me an educated mother, I shall promise the birth of a civilized nation.” Education has a key role in the development of a country. Pakistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. In 2015 at Oslo Summit On Education And Development, Pakistan was described as ‘Among the world’s worst-performing countries in education’.

The new government, elected in 2018, stated in their manifesto that nearly 22.5 million children are out of schools, girls are particularly affected. Female education is as necessary as male education. We have seen in the history of the world that those nations are in the lines of leading developed nations who have educated their women and men equally. But unfortunately, the situation of female education in Pakistan is not as good as it should be. 

Many organizations are working on their improvement. There are some major obstructions in the way of female education but the situation may be improved if some steps are taken with responsibilities. The importance of female education is obviously everything.

The education of females is necessary for a society in many ways. There are some problems occurring in the way of female education in Pakistan. Religious misinterpretation is also one of them. Some people consider female education against religion so they do not let their daughters get an education. They are afraid that girls will become liberal when they are educated. 

Girls across our country do, of course, face barriers within their homes and communities which makes it more difficult for them to get an adequate education. Many people still do not believe that girls need to be educated or they believe that girls should stop study beyond a certain age, typically puberty. However, even here the reasons are not entirely cultural. Survey work indicates that many families fear that they're older girls will face sexual harassment at school and on the way there and back. I wrap up my discussion with these remarks that the government should find out the solution to this problem, policies of education should be changed and we should bring change at the local level through awareness and practical action.

Story: Rimsha Khan 

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