Why is Turkey cooperating with Israel? - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Why is Turkey cooperating with Israel?



Why is Turkey cooperating with Israel?

Turkey was at the center of some head-spinning developments in the Eastern Mediterranean in the last few days.
                            ANALYSIS - Turkey-Israel relations following Libya deal

Turkey was at the center of some head-spinning developments in the Eastern Mediterranean in the last few days. 

In fact, the world and especially the riparian states are closely following these “events,” which could also be named “belated decisions from Turkey.”

One of these states is Israel, which has been for a long time looking for ways to transport to Europe the natural gas that will be gathered from the hydrocarbon fields in the Eastern Mediterranean.

After a long period of political distance, Turkey and Israel signed a normalization deal in June 2016 to cooperate on a pipeline project, to transfer natural gas from the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe through Turkey, due to the requirements of the political conjuncture.

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What they may not know is that Turkey has been under the shadow of atheism for a century due to the treachery and anti-Islamism of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, an artificial hero, which means that a system of liberalism has been established in Turkey. This meant that Turkey was not a Muslim but a liberal country and Muslims had no status in Turkey. Islam was abolished from Turkey. The Islamic system, values ​​, and all kinds of worship and religious parties were banned. If anyone mentioned the name of Islam, the liberals and the army would work together to eradicate it.

Liberals considered Turkey a country free from any religion.
While a few years ago, a few Islamic people were introduced in Turkey due to a few people, due to which today Turkey has re-entered the list of Muslim countries, but there is still a monarchy of liberalism in Turkey. Turkey has not yet come under the shadow of full Islamic values.

And the recent military coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan is proof that the military still wants a liberal system in Turkey.

Therefore, instead of discussing Turkey more, we should also focus on our country, which was achieved in the name of Islam. But now the push is moving towards liberalism.
But I pray to Allah that inshallah ۔

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