Transgender in Isolation - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Transgender in Isolation



Transgender in Isolation

Transgender is also part of our community. They are the creature of GOD. Society is now going in insolation and they are getting afraid of it.
Transgender in isolationTransgender is also part of our community. They are the creature of GOD. Society is now going in isolation and they are getting afraid of it. Society has gone isolation now due to COVID-19 which spread rapidly in Pakistan. Society is worried now because of isolation. But the transgender is in isolation from the start when they born. Society did not expect transgender even in 21 st century. Living in isolation is not new for the transgender. When the government announces that people should live in isolation this thing is not new for this community because they are already living in isolation because they are not living in-home or with their siblings and relatives. They don’t have a huge group of people to meet because no one wants to be their friends. If you make any transgender as a friend but you feel ashamed to introduce him with your normal friends or you might be doing not go for hanging out with them because your friends make fun of you that you have a transgender friend.

Society never accept transgender openly. The whole world is in isolation because of COVID-19. Now everyone should feel that how we are living in isolation from start. Living in isolation is not an easy task. It’s a war that is difficult to fight. 

Transgender living alone in society for many years they don’t have home, parents, job, and food they are living in this condition for a year. A normal person cannot think to live in this such condition where they don’t have anything to do. This community even not get proper education because no school allow to enroll in their school where normal people study. There is no separate school for them like we have for disabled children. If you are living in a house with no basic facility maybe then you feel how transgender feel and how difficult for them to live a life. 

Transgender are fighting or their right since many years few people said you will get soon their rights but when they get their rights, they don’t have an idea. Until unless we face the same situation, we can’t feel their pain. Transgender community faces many problems more than corona. 

Transgenders face poverty, sexual abuse, and harassment as well. They don’t have parent ownership and any place in society. They face violence and discrimination everywhere. People think they are a curse from GOD or there is some kind of punishment for their parents from GOD. After announcing of lockdown from the government transgender community how much importance they should give to corona because all shops are closed markets are closed, they are worried about where they have gone earn and full fill their hunger. They think there is no justice, fairness, and humanity in society for them.

This society don’t have manner and sense either. If we develop humanity in our self, we don’t have the fear of death because we know that we are good Muslims and one day we will die and we have to account for our deeds. But from the past few years, some transgender is getting the education, and people are trying to be good with them. Slowly they are getting the jobs. Few transgenders are also representing Pakistan on the international level.

As per we are humans, we should have some soft Conner in our hearts for them and treat them as normal human beings. Government and privates companies must have provided jobs to those transgenders who are educated. Parents of transgenders should not ashamed of them because they are the creature of GOD, we don’t make them parents should give them name ownership. One transgender also working in news channel as a news anchor which is a good initiative taken by that news channel, we should appreciate them that they have done a good job.

Author: Sabeen Arshid

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