The Great YASA | Real History of "Laws of Genghis Khan" - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: The Great YASA | Real History of "Laws of Genghis Khan"



The Great YASA | Real History of "Laws of Genghis Khan"

For those who are following the Turkish historical adventure series “Kurulus Osman”, They must hear about the “Genghis Khan Laws”. The writer added a twist in the story by adding this.
For those who are following the Turkish historical adventure series “Kurulus Osman”, They must hear about the “Genghis Khan Laws”. The writer added a twist in the story by adding this. In series Osman recovers the Genghis Khan laws from white beards and exchanges them for the life of their brother, uncle, and tribe. Let's discuss that either there are any Laws of Genghis, and either they were stolen or lost as depicts in the series.

Portrait of "Genghis Khan"

The Great YASA

“YASA” is a Mongol word which means “command, act or verdict”. YASA referred to the basic legal code laid down by Genghis Khan in 1206 during the great Kurultai (The council or gathering of ancient Mongol noble people). The copies of YASA were kept by each princess to take guidance in the future. 

The purpose of the YASA was to rule the land under Mongols according to decree ordered by the Genghis Khan. There is a conflict that no copies of the Great YASA were produced, because the real text of the code was to remain Unmentionable. 

The Mongol tribes and people of the area that comes under Mongol control were governed by the Great YASA (Laws by Genghis Khan). The Great YASA was built on the Mongol customs and their traditions. They were flexible and changes can be made in them according to the need of the time.

Genghis son Chagatai strictly followed unwritten Mongol traditional laws and his criticism and the decision he made were included in the pre-existing unwritten laws. Genghis quotations and statements were also parts of the Great YASA. Adopted brother of Genghis khan, Tatar Shigi-Qutuqu, whose responsibility was judiciary during 1206 Kurultai, was also a source of laws that form the great YASA. In his period, he made the habit of writing the decision which he made. They were recorded in the blue book and they were considered binding. 

This itself does not epitomize Genghis Khan’s Great YASA, and it must be presumed that such kind of document never existed, However in later years, People start believing in the existence of the Document.

It’s not Sure that either there was any YASA or not but still the Mongols had strict rules and laws under Genghis Khan, and they were very disciplined. They showed respect to every religion and in that way, they were playing safe. There was no tax on Priests and Religious institutions. The punishment for spying, betrayal, stealing, adultery was execution. 

There was a superstition in Mongols that they fear the shedding of the blood of a Noble on Earth, So if they must kill the Noble, The wrapped him in Carpet and kicked till Death. To suppress Anarchy, Strict actions were taken in order to ensure the supremacy of Law.

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