"Practice Gratitude In Every Situation" - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: "Practice Gratitude In Every Situation"



"Practice Gratitude In Every Situation"

Gratitude is our feeling and our ability to experience and express appreciation. Gratitude increases emotional , physical and relational well-being .
Practicing Gratitude in Recovery - Canyon Crossing Recovery
Gratitude is our feeling and our ability to experience and express appreciation. Gratitude increases emotional , physical and relational well-being . The subjective sense of joy also influences being happy and these results appear to be sustained.

Gratitude is an expression which makes humans happy. Thanksgiving is both a mood and a personality trait.  Some people are more likely to be grateful for their everyday routine.

Gratitude is your heart 's word when you feel grateful to others. Recently on mother's day I tried to give my gratitude to my mother who gave some impact into my life. I am really grateful for what I learn from her.  Do not hide your thoughts in your heart if you feel like saying something. The words that are confined in your heart are better to speak. 

Being thankful for the important things that I always valued and that helped me to live easier.

These advantages have also been shown ...

It enhances confidence. You feel less worried about what you lack, and that can help to raise morale when you concentrate on appreciating what you have.

Now that I embrace myself and my life more, I don't really compare myself with others and I am proud to pave my own way. It makes me and my family feel very comfortable to do something, without having to impress the rest of the world.

You will be better present. Gratitude reminds us of what we must thank in our current state and that helps us to be more present.

I used to worry about what I didn't and seemed to strive for these things constantly. When I learned how to be thankful for myself and at the most important place — the present, everything changed.

No better time than now. No better time. Practice gratitude so you can be completely present.

Gratefulness means less worry. Practicing thankfulness tends to take stress away because you know that you have plenty.
I know that I have the ability to relax and make my life simpler. I'm always happy more because I don't add to my life stuff that is useless to relieve tension.

Thanksgiving leads to generosity that can be tremendously rewarding. Observing appreciation makes us understand how lucky we are and that gives us the ability to share of course.

I don't really like giving things because I don't believe it is as rewarding as other types of giving. Of course, it's great to give someone a gift that they need, but I think time or hand support is more important.

Thanksgiving stimulates your sleep. The appreciation of our blessings and less worry allows us to sleep better.

I'm going to twist and turn due to the pressures or fears of a rare event. Talk of a few thoughts that bring joy if something stops you from falling asleep.

Those who are grateful have less stress, reduced tension, less anxiety, stronger immune systems, better educational and occupational interactions. Overall, your mental and physical health can be enhanced.

The best and worst of humanity appears to be put out by corona-virus. In one of the most difficult times in world history, be patient with yourself. Be happy that you can and cannot have empathy for yourself. This is the best gift you can give yourself right now to let yourself know all of your thoughts. And you deserve as much gratitude as you give anyone but yourself when it comes down to it.

Author Misbah Imtiaz

The writer is a student of Masters in Mass Communication at National University of Modern Languages Islamabad

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