No domestic cricket in England until August - ECB - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: No domestic cricket in England until August - ECB



No domestic cricket in England until August - ECB

There will be no domestic cricket in England until August 1 at the earliest, the England and Wales Cricket Board announced on Thursday.
ECB defer start of domestic season till August 1 |

London, May 28 (AFP/APP): There will be no domestic cricket in England until August 1 at the earliest, the England and Wales Cricket Board announced on Thursday.
The start of the English season had already been delayed by the outbreak of the coronavirus, with officials initially hoping to resume in July.
But England's postponed Test series at home against the West Indies could still take place in July as Thursday's announcement by the ECB does not cover international matches. 
And even though it will be left with a severely shortened season, the ECB said the "ambition remains to host domestic men's and women's cricket across England and Wales later this summer".

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