Glamorous Actress Uzma Khan VS Powerfull Wife Amna Khan - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Glamorous Actress Uzma Khan VS Powerfull Wife Amna Khan



Glamorous Actress Uzma Khan VS Powerfull Wife Amna Khan

The Uzma Khan vs Amna Malik controversy is not coming slow but it getting hotter and hotter day by day. Domestic issue which happens all over the world.
Amna Malik, Uzma Khan, Usman Malik Who is Right? #uzmakhan ...

The Uzma Khan vs Amna Malik controversy is not coming slow but it getting hotter and hotter day by day. Domestic issue which happens all over the world.

The only reason this is getting so much attention is that the Uzma Khan is a renowned actress and the Amna Usman is related to a powerful man.

The controversy revolves around Uzma Khan, Usman Malik, and Amna Usman. Uzma Khan is a victim of violence. Amna Usman is a victim of infidelity. Usman Malik is the cause of both their suffering.

This incident happened on Chand Raat before digging in-depth, short over the look of the picture. Amna Malik’s relatives Amber Malik, Pashmina Malik entered the house with dozen of guards and started broke glass and mirror of the house and shouts with abusive language also started beaten both sisters.

Another side of the picture Amna Malik alleged to Uzma Khan she has affair with her husband and also she has stepped in her own house instead of Uzma Khan’s house third she has warned many times but she didn’t stop and kept a relationship with her husband.

Next a press conference by Uzma khan where she confirmed she wants to marry Usman Malik. Uzma Khan says no one has the right to dig into her personal life, she is only answerable to Allah.

In this scenario, both women are destroying their lives as one is trying to wreck other’s houses, and one is trying to destroy her career by shaming her in public and exposing her extra-marital relation. Here is the case popup “Women are women’s worst enemies”.

Amna Malik used her power of money and Uzma Khan used her fame and power of media. Might Uzma will sell her dignity against money and might she stands stable on her point, might Amna Malik apology to Uzma khan, either Usman malik come out with new perspective.

Let’s see which way the camel sits.

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