Coronavirus: Boris Johnson is in ICU But in Good Condition - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Coronavirus: Boris Johnson is in ICU But in Good Condition



Coronavirus: Boris Johnson is in ICU But in Good Condition

Boris Johnson, The British Prime Minister was admitted into the St Thomas hospital in London after persistent symptoms of coronavirus. There was news speculating on the social media regarding his health that his condition is quite critical and some news channel reported about his death, But in recent interview his Spokesperson confirmed that he is transferred to the intense care unit after his condition got worse. He is getting the proper treatment in ICU. He is breathing without any assistance One day earlier he tweeted from his official account that he went to hospital and he is in good spirits. Johnson nominates his foreign secretary to replace him until he got fully recovered.

Meanwhile Trump offered support for treatment of British prime minister, but Johnson’s spokesperson rejects his offer by saying that prime minister is getting the best possible care in UK. He further says that If any treatment is required it will be the decision of prime minister’s doctor. He further added that he is thankful for all the warm wishes the prime minister received. Prime Minister also received prayers and greetings from other international political figures. French Prime minister also conveys his best regards and supports in one of his tweets.

Former Prime Minister of UK, David Cameron also send his best wishes to current Prime Minister in a video message he posted on twitter.

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