Half of the world's donkey population could be killed in next five years - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Half of the world's donkey population could be killed in next five years



Half of the world's donkey population could be killed in next five years

As many as half the global population of donkeys could be wiped out in just five years, due to a surge in demand for their hides, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.

June 07, 2020

/ by pyro gyro
Image may contain: outdoor
As many as half the global population of donkeys could be wiped out in just five years, due to a surge in demand for their hides, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Populations are reportedly collapsing in countries across Africa, South America, and Asia, with animals including sick mares and foals being stolen, illegally transported and killed, according to a report from the international charity The Donkey Sanctuary.
The organization has warned the species is now “in a state of global crisis”, as traders target their skins to export as an ingredient for eijao – donkey hide glue, a popular health product in China – through one without any medical evidence behind its utility.

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