Netflix Offers Free Subscription Amid Coronavirus Epidemic - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Netflix Offers Free Subscription Amid Coronavirus Epidemic



Netflix Offers Free Subscription Amid Coronavirus Epidemic

Netflix, free netflix, money heist part 5 netflix,

April 10, 2020

/ by Lunar Gaze

Netflix which is used worldwide with more than 167 million subscribers and 60 million in the US. Recently a post has gone viral on social media about the free subscription of Netflix due to the corona virus pandemic.

As you all know the world is going through the biggest disaster of the century due to the corona virus epidemic which was earlier started from the city of Wuhan and now spread worldwide.

The rumor which was going about the free subscription of Netflix due to the corona virus was fake as Netflix officially release a statement about it by saying: Netflix has nothing to do with these offers. The text message with the link is circulating which would probably be used as a phishing scam so don't believe any such news.

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