Labour Day: A Tribute To Martyred Of Chicago and All Labours of World - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Labour Day: A Tribute To Martyred Of Chicago and All Labours of World



Labour Day: A Tribute To Martyred Of Chicago and All Labours of World

The laborer has a key position in every sphere of life. Gold yielding fields, strong economy, construction, products, clothing, sports equipment, cosmetics, all the necessities of life are due to the hard work of the laborer.

By Ghazala Yasmin

The laborer has a key position in every sphere of life. Gold yielding fields, strong economy, construction, products, clothing, sports equipment, cosmetics, all the necessities of life are due to the hard work of the laborer.
Memorial Day, 1937

By Saying, "Pay the wages of the laborer before the sweat of the laborer dries up", the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) magnified the position of the laborer.

The working class is the backbone of capitalism, but the capitalist has exploited the workers in every age. Chicago workers call for eight-hour working hours, but their voice was suppressed using Force and through the state machinery, the blood of unarmed workers was spilled, many were arrested and hanged, and many were sentenced to life imprisonment. Their only crime was to raise their voice for their rights. The person's conscience was shaken and even the capitalist was forced to think that his capital was the result of the hard work of these people.

Therefore, if they are given some concessions in return, they will work harder and increase their profits. Therefore, their working hours were fixed at eight hours. This was a tribute to the blood that did not go in vain.

This effort of the Chicago workers told the whole world that no sacrifice should be spared for the attainment of their legitimate rights and that the path of united struggle should be taken instead of being suppressed by the capitalists.

The blood and sweat of the laborer brings prosperity in the life of the employer. He also has a duty to fix his wages keeping in view his health, food, and other needs.
1st May Day is celebrated in memory of Chicago's workers. In addition to paying tribute to them, there is a lively discussion on their problems and the struggle for their solution.

This day not only makes the worker but also the capitalist realizes that the slightest slip of it can turn off the lights of many houses. It can extinguish the stoves of many houses and participate in atrocities against humanity. They are also encouraged to be self-accountable.
Chicago laborers! Salute to your great struggle and historic sacrifice.


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