Health Condition in Indian Occupied Kashmir - Lunar Graze Lunar Graze: Health Condition in Indian Occupied Kashmir



Health Condition in Indian Occupied Kashmir

kashmir, kashmir health condition,

April 10, 2020

/ by Lunar Gaze

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” pursuant to the constitution of WHO.  Thus, in order to maintain a healthy body, having access to medical treatment is of paramount importance.

The Occupied territory of Kashmir is witnessing a hostile conflict; nearly 62.7% of the adult population is suffering from high levels of anxiety, such as nervousness, tension and excessive worrying.

when traumas are visible they cannot be overlooked or  deprioritized but in case of occupied Kashmir, health care has always been prime target even during the recent outbreak of COVID19 pandemic, the population are not only facing shortage of proper medical facilities but the brutalities of  900,000 occupational forces deployed in the region. They are living through sustained bombardment and shillings. The vulnerable group in the region is facing the strain of enormous need and limited resources.

The outbreak of Covid-19 has affected mental health of people as well making them anxious over lack of proper healthcare, diagnostic equipment, hygiene products and medical furniture as well as poor awareness of the disease.

Prolonged curfews have restricted people to their houses and they are denied their right to healthcare which is violation of Human Right and International Humanitarian Law.

 Between April 2018 and March 2019, 366,906 people received treatment in a government psychiatric hospital in the city of Srinagar alone. 

The number of children treated in the psychiatric ward of the Srinagar hospital almost doubled between 2016 and 2019, from around 17,000 to 30,000.

Post 5 August 19 when Govt of India place entire population under strict curfew with complete clamp down on communication and censorship to all local and foreign media. It had become difficult for people to excess health facilities and hospitals have reported a drop in patient numbers as MSF in their report on 6th April said “even in a normal situation, few people access mental health care in Kashmir

This is a moment for urgent action. Kashmiri people in War, Violence and Medical crisis can’t wait longer. We appeal ICRC and other Humanitarian Organizations to build on the momentum, to make strong commitments so that any positive effort may result in a greater impact for people in need

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